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Two Times The Charm Novel (Clara and Emmett)

Chapter 387
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Chapter 387

Aiden at least had the decency to return her smile, but Alex went straight for the jugular. “Why’d you make my

mom leave? I hate you!”

“Alex, sweetie, your mom’s departure wasn’t my doing.” Leah tried to defend herself. She needed to prevent any

unexpected surprises that could jeopardize her plans.

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“Then explain why my parents started arguing the moment you showed up!”

“I have no clue, and for the record, I’m not with your father.” Leah’s face fell into a sorrowful expression. “I

genuinely like you and Aiden. I’m helping you guys without expecting any gratitude, but it’s not fair to blame me for

things I didn’t do.”

“My brother didn’t mean that. Don’t take it to heart.” Aiden quickly shot Alex a look, hinting for him to hold his

tongue. It wouldn’t help to stir the pot now.

Alex didn’t care. He stormed over to the hospital bed, pointing an accusing finger at Leah. “You impersonated my

mom! Are you trying to take her place now? I’ll tell you what, I’d rather drop dead than call you mom!”

“I didn’t! I swear I didn’t!” Leah’s eyes welled up with tears. She was now looking quite pitiful. “You guys are

misunderstanding me. I never wanted to replace your mom. Aiden, you know that, right? It was Mr. Milburn who

begged me to help. Otherwise, your father would’ve taken you back, separating you from your mom. I tricked your

dad to save your mom. It’s unfair to blame me, especially after I just saved you guys. Why else would I be lying

here if not for your safety?”

Aiden quickly pulled his brother back to his chair. “Don’t mind. He’s just shooting his mouth off. You know how he

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grew up with our mom; they relied on each other. She means the world to him. He hasn’t seen her for a while, so

he’s a bit on edge. Please don’t take it personally. I apologize on his behalf.”

Just as Aiden was about to bow in apology, Leah stopped him. There’s no need for that. It’s enough, as long as you

understand. I’d hate for my intentions to be misinterpreted.”

Aiden smiled, then asked Leah pointedly, “Do you know what happened between my parents? They haven’t been

coming home together lately. They used to walk home hand in hand after work. They’d lift Alex up in their arms and

then give me a kiss. We miss her.”

Leah stared at the ceiling and then sighed. “You are still young. I understand why your grandparents and parents

might want to keep you in the dark, but they should know you’re growing up. You deserve to know the truth. Your

parents are divorced because your mother fell in love with another man.”