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Two Times The Charm Novel (Clara and Emmett)

Chapter 28
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Chapter 28

Clara was actually pretty baffled too. She had no idea Emmett had such a particular habit

But he really didn’t seem to interact with women much Even during business negotiations,

if there wem women present he’d always keep his distance.

But that’s not a mason for her to marry Emmett

“Mr. Melendez, there must be a reason for this. Maybe he’s got a special lady he’s into

Marrying him wouldn’t be right in just a secretary. I’m no match for a big family like the

Melendez family”

She never thought shed become Patrick’s daughter–in–law and she didn’t dare to think

about it

“Are you reacting met Patrick raised an eyebrow

Tm not rejecting just think this is unreasonable”

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“If I say it’s reasonable, it is”

Clara was left speechless, so she dropped a bomb

“Mr Melendez, I have a son”

At this Patrick’s brows furrowed “You have a child at such a young age?”

“Yes, so I really can’t marry your son I appreciate your kind intentions” Clara added, “I

think your son is a very outstanding man. He should find a more suitable partner You

might want to have more private talks

with him

Patrick sighed, “I wish he would just talk to me. But never mind, let’s forget this

conversation ever happened. If you’re not interested in beng with my son, I hope you’ll

stay away and avoid causing any scandals for the Melendez family. It would damage the

reputation of our entire family”

Clara quickly nodded, showing her understanding “Don’t worry, I get it

As Patrick walked away, Clara felt a wave of relief wash over her. She had been worried

that Patrick wouldn’t accept the fact that she already had a child. And she hadn’t even

thought about marriage get. Even if she did want to find a partner someday she wouldn’t

choose someone from a wealthy family She didn’t want the media prying into her personal

life. If her son’s identity was revealed, she might even risk losing custody of him, as per

their previous agreement

Clara let out another sigh, relieved that her fears had been unfounded.

When she returned to the office. Emmett was already there

He was unbuttoning his shirt, and his deep voice rang out, “Where were you?*

I was making copies.”

My father was here

Clara really wanted to roll her eyes

He knew all along, so why did he ask her?

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“What did he say to you?” Emmett suddenly looked up at her.

Clara hesitated. “Your father came to check on you.”

“Did he ask you to get women close to me?”

Clara immediately shook her head. “No!”

“So what was it? You’re not going to marry me, are you?”

Clara opened her mouth, but no words came out

Emmett raised his eyebrows, “Did I guess right?”

“No, no! Your father was just worried about you! He said you were too tired and asked me

to remind you to rest more!”

Clara breathed a sigh of relie

Emmett calmly handed her a document, “Make ten copies of this and take them to the

conference room”

“Okay” Clara took it, and saw

There was Taylor’s name on it

Chapter 29