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Two Times The Charm Novel (Clara and Emmett)

Chapter 19
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Chapter 19

Alex snickered inwardly, thinking his big bro was cold as ice! But considering his

personality, it wasn’t too surprising.

“Mom, yesterday and today are different. I just miss you so much right now, I don’t wanna

leave you, and mally want a kiss from you!”

Alex leaned his head onto Clara’s chest, nuzzling affectionately, showing how much he’d

missed her these past few days. Being by his mom’s side felt so good….

“Alright, alright, here’s your kiss!” Clara kissed her son’s little face, and Alex

enthusiastically returned the favor by cupping her face and giving her a kiss back.

Watching her son walk into the kindergarten, Clara felt today’s Alex was particularly

sweet, just like…he had just come back!

At the company

Clara hadn’t been called in by Emmett all afternoon, but the workload his assistant

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dumped on her was mountainous. She was so busy she hadn’t even noticed it had started

to rain heavily outside.

As Emmett was about to leave the office, he noticed Clara’s light was still on, so he went

over to her door to check.

“You’re still here?”

A frosty voice sounded above her head, Clara looked up to see Emmett with one hand in

his pocket, his dark eyes staring at her.

“I haven’t finished my work yet!”

Clara responded instinctively, then suddenly realized something and hurriedly checked the

time on her phone. Her face filled with urgency, “Oh no!”

She frowned, it was past the time for kindergarten to end, and she had forgotten to pick

up Alex.

Emmett stood at the doorway watching her expression change from calm to anxious. Just

as he was about to ask what was going on, he saw Clara quickly turn off her computer.

She grabbed the folders on her desk and rushed to the door, ‘Mr. Melendez, I’m running

late. I need to pick up my son. I’ll finish the rest of the work at


Just as she finished speaking, she nodded at Emmett and dashed out.

“Wait!” Emmett grabbed her arm, Clara looked startled, she turned around only to hear

Emmett say in a deep voice, “It’s raining outside, I’ll give you a lift”

“No need, I can….

“It’s pouring outside! Get in the car!”

Emmett cut her off, his eyes swept over her and saw her white dress and high heels, with

no umbrella. If she went out now, she would definitely get wet, and it could be late by the

time she picked up her child.

Clara looked at her clothes and the heavy rain outside… if she didn’t go now, Alex would

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definitely be worried

She hesitated for a moment, pursed her lips and said, “Well, then… if it’s not too much

trouble, Mr. Melendez.”

Having the CEO personally drive her made her feel a bit awkward.

“Let’s go.”

Emmett didn’t say anything, he just walked over to her side, accompanied her to the

CEO’s private elevator, and then opened the door to get in. The elevator was spacious, but

the atmosphere became a bit weird when the two of them stood side by side.

Emmett’s tall figure stood straight. His face was expressionless and silent, making Clara

feel like the air was suffocating. She wanted to break the ice, but couldn’t think of

anything to say

Suddenly, there was a squeaky noise in the elevator, and the lights dimmed.
