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Two Times The Charm Novel (Clara and Emmett)

Chapter 156
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Chapter 156

Chapter 156

Do you want a kid?”

Clara was a bit taken aback. We already have Aiden and Alex, isn’t that enough?”

“But they aren’t our biological children”

Clara didn’t reply

“The most important thing is what you think.”

Clara twitched her lips slightly. I believe having a child requires careful consideration! Can you let me

think about it some more?”

“Alright.” Emmett grasped her hand, “Let’s go home for now, Alex and Aiden will be looking for you!

They rely on you a lot.”


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Emmett looked at the woman beside him, feeling a bit helpless.

This is the wife he chose, what else can he do?

In the car, Clara felt the atmosphere was a bit awkward and decided to break the ice, “Does the

company still need timber?”

Emmett lifted his head from the papers, looking at her, Why the sudden interest?”

“No reason… just a friend of mine has some lumber they want to dispose of! I figured our new project

could use a lot of wood.”

“You have friends?” Emmett seemed surprised.

Clara nodded, “Yeah… someone I met abroad, they’ve been really good to me! But I’m only mentioning

this to introduce them, whether we can cooperate or not depends on the quality of the lumber they

provide! You don’t have to force a collaboration because of me.”

Emmett smiled, “If you’re willing to vouch for them, then your relationship must be really good, of

course, I will give them a chance! Arrange a meeting with your friend, I will have Ricardo talk to them! I

have a lot of trust in Ricardo.”

“Great! If I can facilitate this cooperation, it would be a way for me to repay her help! If not, I’ll find other

ways to return the favor! But company matters, which affect the whole Melendez Group, can’t be

influenced by my personal issues! The procurement of lumber might lead to big problems, once there

are issues, it will be a real pain.”

Emmett looked at her seriously analyzing the situation and couldn’t help but laugh.

“You are the lady of the Melendez Group, and I have a lot of faith in choices.”


Clara looked up at him, “Don’t put too much trust in me! I haven’t been in the business world for long,

even if I want what’s best for the company, I might

make mistakes.”

“I don’t think so! I think you’re very intuitive about company matters! Just like when you saw the

contract from AW Corporation, you quickly found the loopholes! And the people at AW Corporation

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didn’t notice.”

“Well, that was just luck. Clara was a bit anxious.

Because Emmett brought up Taylor again!

She was scared she might say something wrong and make Emmett angry again.

“Clara, you’re actually very talented, don’t underestimate yourself! I’ve seen your design sketches for

the new district, your architectural designs might not be perfect, but your innovative thinking and

practicality are very impressive.”

Clara looked at him, a bit pleased, “Really? When did you see my design sketches?”

“…Once when I went to your office, you weren’t there.”

“You went to my office behind my back?”

“I didn’t sneak in! I walked in like I owned the place.” Emmett cleared his throat, “I was there for work,

not because I missed you.”