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Two Times The Charm Novel (Clara and Emmett)

Chapter 146
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Chapter 146

“No, no, it’s all good!” Clara hastily waved her hands, “He’s just not used to it yet, give him some time.”

Emmett crinkled his forehead, a hunch forming in his mind.

Every time her kid was brought up. Clara would do everything in her power to dodge the topic. Seems

like she’s got some skeletons in her closet! Could it be… the kid is actually Taylor’s?

What could possibly make this woman, who is clearly not good at lying, to grit her teeth and spin a web

of lies? He was honestly curious.

The next morning, Clara woke up slightly worn out and aching, changed her clothes and freshened up.

Sometimes she really wondered if Emmett was purposely wearing her out every night, just so she

wouldn’t go to work.

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How can he still be so enthusiastic about sex?!

After getting everything ready, Clara went downstairs to wake up the kids, “Time to get up and eat! You

have school today!”

“I’m ready, but Alex is still sleeping Aiden pouted, pointing at Alex who was still in bed.

Clara felt a headache coming on.

“Alex! Why are you still sleeping? Look at your brother, he’s already waiting for you!”

Alex groggily opened his eyes, ‘Mom… you look pretty…”

Today’s your first day at this school, buttering me up won’t get you out of bed! Hurry up.” Clara pulled

him straight out of bed, “Don’t hold your brother back, he has school tool”

Alex stuck out his lower lip. “Then…. can’t he just go by himself? He can learn my part too! Then when

I wake up, he can teach me, right?”

Seeing Clara still staring at him, Alex pouted, still battling the idea of not going to school.

“Mom, think about it! If only Aiden goes to school, that’s one tuition, I go to school, that’s another one,

so let Aiden go and learn, then he can teach me for free when he comes back! That way we can save

one tuition, and you can use it to buy me candy!”

Clara couldn’t help but laugh, “Your little brain can think of anything but studying! Who said you can

skip school and let your brother teach you? Stop spouting nonsense! Hurry up and get ready, no more



Clara watched him drag his feet into the bathroom, rolling her eyes helplessly.

Her son, he’d probably make a decent lawyer one day.

He might not be good at anything else, but he’s a whiz at arguing! He could even spit out reasons that

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almost make you believe him.

Aiden beside her shrugged like an adult, “Mom, I’m afraid that one day my little brother will lead me


“You better keep a firm grip then!” Clara bent down to ruffle Aiden’s hair, smiling, “I hope both you and

your brother grow up healthy and successful! Your brother’s personality is different from yours, if you

can be patient with him, it would make me very happy. But if you can’t, and find it hard to get along with

him, you can tell me! I don’t want him to be a burden to you as soon as you’ve gotten to know each


“Mom, it’s not as serious as you think!” Aiden chuckled, gripping Clara’s hand tightly, “He’s my brother,

if I don’t like him, who else can I like? I’ll try my best. to get along with him, help him out, after all, I’m

his big brother!”