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Two Times The Charm Novel (Clara and Emmett)

Chapter 122
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Chapter 122

*Don’t sweat it!” Elio whispered, “No matter what, I’ll always have your back.”

‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to add more pressure! I‘

Clara quickly interjected, ‘Elio, there wouldn’t be a ‘me‘ today without you. I owe you more

than a favor, my life can’t compare to the kindness you’ve shown me! So, you don’t have

to apologize to me

“But you know what I truly want! Elio said, deep breathing, “Clara, I like you, and I’m

serious about it.”

Seeing Clara silent, Elio had already anticipated her reaction.

He shrugged, smirking. “Look, I just confessed my feelings, the least you could do is not

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be so stone–faced! Alright, alright, I was fooling around With your seriousness, I’ll be

scared to joke with you in the future!”

“Elio, that joke of yours was not funny at all.

“Then, I’ll not repeat it, okay?”

Clara went on, “Do I need to give some compensation to your sister who helped in acting?

I feel bad that she got dragged into this.”

“No need! I’ve already taken care of that. Emmett shouldn’t bother her if all goes well, and

this will all be over.”

“Out of courtesy, I should thank her properly. Find the time for me to see her before I


Elio paused for a moment, then nodded. “Okay! I’ll arrange it. You take care of yourself,

leave the rest to me! Be careful after you return with Emmett, don’t let him find any clues,

and try your best to make him fall for you”

“I’m sorry, Elio, I’ve ended up hurting you in the end!”

In the end, Elio got nothing from all this! And she had nothing to give him.

“If you keep saying that, I might get angry! I’m not with you for any ulterior motives! If I

was after you or your body, I could’ve made a move years ago! I’ll admit, I want to marry

you, to make you my wife, but only if you’re willing! I, Elio, always do things aboveboard. I

won’t force a girl to do something she doesn’t want to, nor will I expect something in

return for my efforts.”

Clara tried to say something, but Elio cut her off.

“Alright, the kid is asleep now, prepare some food for me! I’m hungry.”

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“Didn’t you just take the kid out to eat?”

“He had fast food, which I don’t like! So, I didn’t eat much.” Elio rubbed his belly,

pretending to be aggrieved, “I’ve been helping you, so you should treat me to a meal!”

“Do we need to go out to eat?”

“No need, home–cooked is fine. I love anything you cook!”

Clara, feeling helpless, said “Alright! Is there anything particular you want? I can get some

ingredients from the supermarket.”

“I love anything you cook!”

Can you stop joking around? I think the reason you’re still single is because you’re too

much of a chatterbox!”

Upon hearing this, Elio immediately looked unhappy, “Hey, let me tell you, women these

days like guys who are humorous and witty like me! I’m actually quite popular, you