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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 227
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Chapter 227 Digging Up Some Dirt On Bianca

In Kevin Rayne’s house.

Jennifer came back from a session of bridge. She went to Marie's room to check on her and found that

her daughter was huddled under her blanket.

"What's wrong with you? Haven't you slept enough?" Jennifer flipped over the blanket and asked


Marie turned around and frowned. "Go away! Don't come into my room!" "Are you sick? Did you catch

a cold?" Jennifer saw that her daughter looked miserable. She touched Marie's forehead.

Indeed, Marie was having a cold and a fever.

She almost made out with Xavier in the room above his bar. Xavier had already taken off her clothes,

but his interest was dashed after realizing that he had mistaken her for the wrong person. She was

even forcefully shoved out of the room.

The late fall weather was cold, and that was how she got a fever.

Early in the morning, Marie had called in sick to Leia's agent.

Marie's mind was not occupied with Leia Norman, but with Bianca Rayne...

Marie's head was spinning after sleeping for an entire day. She sat up and leaned against the

headboard to think about things. Jennifer came into the room with a glass of warm water and two


’Here, take some medicine." Jennifer sat down on the bed next to her.

Marie took the water and aspirin but did not eat them. Instead, she looked at Jennifer, "Mom, do you

remember Uncle Kevin's liver cancer five years ago..." "Of course I remember. Why did you suddenly

ask about that?" Jennifer was taken aback.

Marie remained calm. She had been brooding over the matter for an entire day. "Then do you

remember who was the one who provided Uncle Kevin with the organ replacement and paid for his

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medical fees?"

Jennifer furrowed her brows and thought about it. "I think... Bianca mentioned it before. It's some

charity foundation that unconditionally helps patients with liver cancer. Right, it's a charity foundation."

Otherwise, Kevin would rather forgo treatment. He wanted to use his savings to send Bianca to college.

Marie swallowed the aspirin and looked at Jennifer again. "I have reliable information that it wasn't a

charity foundation that helped Uncle Kevin." "Why wouldn't it be?" Jennifer was confused. If not for the

charity foundation, where did he get that much money?

Even if he emptied his savings, that would not have been enough!

Marie smiled sarcastically and lowered his gaze as though she had finally found some dirt on Bianca.

"Bianca had sold her body to a fifty-something- year-old man for that money..." ’..." Jennifer was



'How could that be?‘

Marie's gaze became excited, even though she was feeling terrible from the fever. She told Jennifer her

idea, "Go to the hospital with me tomorrow, Mom." "Why are we going to the hospital..." Jennifer

remained confused.

"We should go to the hospital to talk to Uncle Rayne. Perhaps he should transfer the title of this house

to us..." Marie massaged her injured fingers as she spoke, thinking of what to tell Kevin when they

meet at the hospital tomorrow.

In the apartment in the city center.

After picking up the children from school, Bianca took them to the grocery store to buy vegetables,

meat, milk, and bread, for tomorrow's breakfast.

She was busy preparing the next meal in the kitchen. The door was closed, and she did not realize that

Luke had come home.

In the living room.

Lanie was concentrating on his homework. He gripped the pencil tightly and was copying new


Rainie was slumped on the couch with her face down. She did not seem to be in a good mood...

"Why didn’t you ask your sister to do her homework with you?" Luke asked his son.

Lanie lifted his head and looked at his father, then at his sister. "She says she doesn't want to go to

school anymore."

Rainie's body wriggled a little.

'I don't wanna do homework. Hmph!'

Luke was not in a rush to discipline his children. He went to take a shower first.

When Bianca served dinner on the dining table, Luke had finished taking a shower and dressed in

dark-colored casual clothes. He seemed comfortable, but his presence was domineering.

"Come and eat," Luke spoke in the direction of the living room.

He spoke softly, but the children reacted as though they had received a royal decree.

Lanie turned to glance at Rainie and tried to comfort her. "Don't be sad, Rainie. Going to school can be

fun too.' "It's not fun at all!"

Rainie pouted angrily. She was about to cry at any time.

Bianca did not look at Luke. Instead, she looked at the two children. Lanie was getting used to school

life, but Rainie had not.

After the initial excitement of going to school, Rainie was beginning to hate it.

Most school-going children would experience that. Proper guidance was necessary.

"Let's have dinner first, and we'll talk later. OK?" Bianca comforted Rainie and carried her to the chair.

Luke seemed to have a clue of the situation. "What's going on?" He asked.

Bianca looked at his stern face. She was worried that he might frighten the children.

Lanie picked up his spoon but dared not begin eating. "Rainie said that she doesn't want to go to

school anymore. She doesn't want to do homework." 'You don't want to go to school anymore?" Luke

took a bite and asked. ’ You don't want to go to school tomorrow, or ever?"

Bianca did not know how Luke usually interacted with his children. She sat down and quietly observed

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Rainie pouted. Her eyes were teary. "I don't want to go to school anymore."

Bianca noticed the visible change in Luke's expression. "Let's eat first. We'll discuss this after dinner."

At least Rainie calmed down a little.

The dining table was silent.

They finished dinner quickly. While Bianca was cleaning up, Rainie hugged her leg and started bawling.

"Miss Bea, I... I don't wanna go to school... I'll be... a delivery girl when... I grow up... I’ll... I'll... make

money for you, and you can bring me away... Boo hoo... I... I'm scared of Daddy..."

The little girl sobbed. The tip of her nose and her cheeks were red.

Bianca quickly picked Rainie up and placed her on the couch in the living room. She stayed with the

little girl to calm her down for the next hour when the man came out of the study and pointed at the

delivery package." It's for you. Open it up and see."

Rainie stole a glance at Luke. 'Stupid Daddy...'

Bianca gently picked Rainie's nose. "I'll go teach Daddy a lesson now. Bad Daddies need to be taught

a lesson..."

Rainie nodded vigorously.

Bianca took the package in her hands and opened it as she walked toward Luke's study.

"Where's the package from?" She asked, looking for an opening to talk about the children.

Bianca opened the package and took out the contents of the black plastic bag. "Can't you be a little

gentler to the children..."

The contents of the package slipped out of Bianca's fingers and fell on the floor.

Bianca lowered her head to look. When she saw clearly what it was, her face instantly blushed into a

deep red color.

'You bought this?"

Luke's gaze fell on the items on the floor, then turned upward to look at her chest...