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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 215
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Chapter 215 Luke is Emotionally Unstable Again...

"It's not that..." Bianca's denial was weak. "I know that even if someone catches us in the act, you have

the clout to suppress the news. I'm just a little tired after a full day of work, and I just want to go back to

my room and rest."

Luke's gaze on her was profound. He leaned close to her, deliberately lowered his voice, and spoke

each syllable clearly. "I'm not going to suppress the news if the scandal breaks out. When I saw the

news this morning that you are his legally wedded wife, I was so jealous that I was losing my mind.

Now that you've appeared on the news with him, do you still mind that you'll have a scandal with me?"

Bianca was worried that the children might hear. She might be surprised, but she kept her voice low,

"That was just an accident. There's nothing to be jealous of. Don't be childish."

She knew that Xavier bore no love for him, and he only forced her into a marriage out of malice. Even if

he had a shred of affection for him, there was nothing to be proud of about that warped marriage. 2

However, she was not a man, and she would not understand how men felt when they were jealous.

Bianca did not speak any further in case that irked him. She was more concerned that her children

would be the victims of his anger on the drive back home.

Without her looking after the kids, she was worried that the man might mistreat them.

After all, she noticed that the two children were unnaturally quiet when they were near their father.

Luke might be overcome by jealousy and envy, but Bianca remained lucid.

She could not leave with him.

"If you don't let me affirm my dominance this one time, I don't think I can ever forgive you." Luke's

expression was sullen as he looked at Jason walking toward them. "If I'm desperate enough, I don't

mind sending our photos in bed to the media. I think it should be quite exciting when they find out that

you're also an adulteress who has an affair with another man."

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The man turned around.

Bianca remained rooted on the ground. Her hand clenched her work laptop tightly, and those words

replayed in her mind.

'Photos in bed...

'How does he have our photos in bed?'

Bianca admitted that she was a light sleeper. As far as she remembered, neither of them had touched

their phones while at the old house or the room.

Where did he get the photos in bed?

Jason walked over, greeted Bianca diplomatically, then got in the car and drove away.

Jason both respected and feared his boss's woman. He did not know whether to treat her as a

colleague or as a friend.

After the black Bentley disappeared from view, Bianca remained rooted on the spot.

'Maybe I'm not actually a light sleeper after all? Did I not notice that he woke up in the middle of the

night to take my photos?'

She blushed intensely when she was reminded of the man's unending vigor and how she had almost

passed out in those intense make-out sessions. Perhaps she had actually passed out, and the man

had taken her photos...

When she walked blankly with her colleagues back to the courtyard, she sent a text message to Luke.

[When did you take the photos?]

Bianca kept an eye on her phone for the next ten minutes, but he did not reply.

[Did you see the message I sent earlier? If you took the photos, I hope that you would delete them.]

Bianca sent him a second message.

She wanted to send him a voice message, but she was worried that Jason or the children might

overhear when Luke played the message.

About half an hour later, the colleagues started to prepare dinner in the kitchen. Bianca put her phone

away and went to help.

It was half-past six when they finished dinner, though the sky was not dark yet.

She had not received any reply to her messages. Bianca guessed that he must be still angry. She had

no choice but to call him...

She also wanted to ask if he had taken his anger out on the children...

"Sorry, the number cannot be reached at the moment. Please try again later

Bianca had to give up when she heard the automated message.

That night, she flipped around on the bed and could not fall asleep.

At about nine o'clock, her aunt Wanda sent her a message. She looked at her aunt's profile picture and

thought that it did not look like the real person.

They chatted for a while. In the end, Bianca said: [I'm only going back to A City with my colleagues on

the weekend. I'll visit Father first, then Grandfather. I'll record their videos for you.]

She finally felt sleepy at eleven o'clock, though her sleep that night was fitful.

The next morning, Bianca got up and prepared to wash up when she noticed that her phone was


Nina had sent her several messages.

The first one: [Are you awake, Bea? I didn't want to call you and disturb your sleep. Please reply when

you see my message.]

The second one: [You're in the news again. Don't tell me that you're not awake yet? Any of your

gossipy colleagues wake you up?]

The third one: [Alright then, have a good rest. It's better to rest more than to worry about the news.]

After reading the messages, she immediately opened the browser.

The news was all over the place. There were many photos too.

Not surprisingly, the photos were from yesterday. They were of her sitting in the countryside eating her

lunch. Next to her was Leia in casual clothes and Xavier who was laughing and carrying a child.

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Many people were in the background, but they were all blurred out.

Every headline, photo, and article led the public opinion to a conclusion -- Bianca and Leia were


If Bianca was Xavier's wife and Xavier was more like a brother to Leia than her lover, then Leia would

respect Bianca's identity as something like a sister-in-law.'

Leia's fans defended their idol. "Why is Leia attracting so much negative attention when she's only

newly popular? Look at the hate she's getting! See? There's photo evidence that Xavier and Leia are

like brother and sister. Their relationship isn't as shady as you think!"

Bianca did not care how the media spun the stories.

She did not want to care. There was no other way other than to pretend that she did not see it and only

focus on her work.

However, she could not help but wonder if a certain man might be going crazy once again when he saw

Xavier and her making the headlines once more...

She could not be at ease. Bianca could not get through to "that man," and she had to call Jason.

It was still early in the morning. Jason had made a few calls to several media outlets. His boss was

unhappy when he saw the headlines highlighting Bianca's status as Xavier's wife.

In between calls, his phone rang.

He glanced at his boss, who had morphed into a workaholic after returning to A City, then said, "Mr.

Crawford, there is a call from Ms. Rayne."

Luke's phone was turned off, and that was why Bianca could only call Jason.

Luke nodded, and Jason answered the call.

Jason placed his phone on the table and turned on the speaker. Bianca asked many questions, and

Jason answered them.

Finally, Bianca said. "Thanks so much, Mr. Doyle. I'm afraid that he has a bad temper and he would

throw a tantrum on the children..."

’..." The "bad-tempered man" remained silent.