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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 197
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Chapter 197 Criticizing Luke Crawford

Bianca was nowhere to be seen.

Xavier might not care about what other people thought of him, but he did not want to be the subject of

ridicule of the employees of T Corporation.

He left the town so that he would not look too desperate in pursuing Bianca.

Walter kept the divorce agreements and the signature pen back into his briefcase.

Then, he went to his car and followed the "defendant" of the divorce case out of town.

As he drove, Walter took a swig of an energy drink. It was the first time in almost thirty years of his life

that he had to personally track down a defendant.

No other people would enjoy such treatment.

Strictly speaking, he could not be bothered with divorce cases, unless they involved billionaires!

After the cars left, the colleagues upstairs started talking among each other.

Their room doors were open. While Joe was distributing bottled water bought from the grocery store

among the female colleagues, he overheard one of them saying, "How amazing. Even Walter Long is

here." "Why is he here?" The other colleague did not know what was going on.

"Why else? I heard that Walter Long and Bianca's Cayenne husband left her room one after the other.

Walter mentioned something about a divorce agreement, and Bianca's Cayenne husband was like, 'I've

never agreed to the divorce. I've never even thought about it."' 'It's obvious that Bianca wants the


'The man driving the Cayenne, who is the rumored cousin of the boss, does not want the divorce...

'Going by that logic, Bianca must be the one who hired Walter to communicate with her husband.'

Joe's hand that was holding a can of Red Bull froze in mid-air.

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"Just who is Bianca from the design department? Not anyone can hire Walter Long even if they have

money. That's Walter Long, the famous lawyer, not any lawyer from a firm on the street."

Even if Bianca had the money, she did not have the status.

’I don't know.’ The colleague shrugged.

Meanwhile, Bianca was standing in front of her grandfather's house.

Before going to the small town, Bianca looked for her grandfather. She reminded him to take his

medication regularly and to rest often.

Her grandfather told her that she should focus on her work and not always think about him. It was good

to be ambitious, but she should not overwork herself.

Before Bianca left, she had asked for the key to her grandfather's house.

While Xavier was sleeping in the house, Bianca received a text message from Walter.

Walter could only find the general area from the provided location. He did not know the room that

Bianca and Xavier were in.

Bianca carefully got up without rousing Xavier, then met up with Walter in the courtyard.

After giving him the room number, Walter told Bianca that she could leave the rest up to him. He also

suggested that she stay away from her room for now, in case Xavier threw a tantrum.

For her colleagues at T Corporation, the dingy little town had nothing going on. She understood how

they felt; after all, they had grown up in the big city.

Bianca was different. She had stayed in places with worse conditions.

Moreover, the "dingy little town" had special meaning to her.

She retrieved the key, opened the heavy and decaying steel gate, and stepped into the courtyard of the

old house.

The abandoned courtyard held many of Bianca's memories in her childhood and youth.

When she was six years old, her grandfather raised geese.

They fed the young geese with grass. Her grandfather used a cleaver to chop fresh grass into tiny bits

on a stone block, and she would place the chopped grass into a large bowl for the geese.

She had asked her grandfather before, "Grandpa, Mommy hasn't visited me for several years. What if I

see her on the street when I'm coming back from school, and she doesn't recognize me?" "Don't you

like living with Grandpa? Where your Mommy is, there's no geese, no grass, and no fresh air!"

The young Bianca could tell from her grandfather's words that he knew where her mother was.

Until today, she had to admit that her grandfather and father must still be thinking that Allison Tanner

had given birth to her for the Rayne family.

Grandfather did not seem to have an impression of Allison.

After so many years, he might have even forgotten the name of his daughter-in-law whom he had

seldom met.

However, Bianca's father, who was currently lying on the hospital bed suffering from lung cancer, did

not seem to know that his daughter was most probably not given birth by Allison.

If that were the case, who was the one who had given birth to her?

She did not remember her father mentioning any woman other than Allison Tanner. Her father should

have known if she was born of another woman, but why would he think that it was Allison?

A City.

Old Master Crawford woke up at about nine o'clock, feeling thirsty.

He looked around the room. Luke was not present. In the ward was a nurse, his two treasured great-

grandchildren, and Jason Doyle.

"Where's Luke..." Old Master Crawford asked weakly.

Jason's expression did not change. "Boss went out to buy some study material for Lanie and Rainie,"

he answered.

"Why did he go himself..." Old Master Crawford obviously did not believe it.

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Rainie rubbed her eyes and mumbled, "Our teacher gave an assignment for us. She wanted our

parents to personally buy our study materials so that they know what we learn in school. Daddy has to

go to a specific store to buy it. Otherwise, the teacher would know, and she'll scold us in class."

Jason nodded and sighed helplessly. "I hope Boss won't buy the wrong things!"

Old Man Crawford grunted. "He's already an adult. Can't he do something so simple?"

Jason continued, "I'm usually the one to buy the kids' study materials. Boss doesn't like going to

crowded places." "Sure, he doesn't like crowded places! Why, does he think that he's so handsome the

parents of the other kids would fall for him? How conceited! ’ Old Master Crawford took the opportunity

to dress down his grandson, who indeed had outstanding looks. "If he knows that he shouldn't flirt with

other women, then Lanie and Rainie would still have a mother. Look at what he did..."

He had managed to catch Bianca's eye, but the situation had taken an awkward turn.

So what if his grandson was handsome or rich? At almost thirty years old, he was still single. He was

worse off than people who are less handsome or not as rich as him.

He enjoyed "criticizing” his grandson for a while and eventually drifted off to sleep.

At the same time, in the small town.

The small town was quiet at night, a far cry from the bustle of the big city.

Bianca's colleagues were preparing to go to bed, but they suddenly heard a car driving over.

They looked closely and saw that it was the boss's car!

The model and car plate were unique. They could recognize it immediately.

All the workers, both male and female, immediately put on proper clothes and quickly gathered at the


Luke did not get out of the car. After parking in the courtyard, he looked around at the people there and

asked, "Is Bianca asleep?" "Uh... I don't think so," One of the female colleagues answered after

glancing at an unlit window on the second floor. "She went out earlier, and I don't think she's back yet.

She said not to worry, she'll only be taking a look at her old house." "You should rest early," Luke

replied curtly, then reserved the car and left the courtyard.