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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 182
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Chapter 182 Why Didn't He Take in Other Women's Grandfathers?

Jason told his boss everything that he should tell him in obscurity. As his personal assistant, he

believed that his boss was a smart man. He should be able to guess what Yvonne did. 1

However, the boss was still a boss at the end of the day. He was experienced in life and with his

identity, he would not go about his business like a tyrannical and unreasonable scoundrel.

His boss would not show any of his thoughts on his face. He was so unpredictable that no one could

guess what he was thinking about.

As such, Jason could not guess how the boss would take care of this. He could only wait and see!

He would go and take care of his work first!

In the design department downstairs.

Ever since Yvonne started working here, the topic of everyone's conversation completely changed.

One second, they would talk about the well-known socialites in the city, then they would talk about the

celebrities in showbiz in the next second. Occasionally, they would talk about the bigwigs and


A white-collar's office hours were dull and boring. It was only work and more work. Everyone would be

happier if they could talk about some exciting gossip to entertain themselves.

The most important part of this was the topic would always revolve around Yvonne. Even the head of

the design department would not dare to stop them when he came across this.

As such, they could only let Yvonne do whatever she wanted.

On the other hand, Sue was extremely agitated.

However, since the head of the design department did not say anything, a minor team leader like her

would not dare to say anything to stop this too.

She could only endure it.

This time, a female colleague asked Yvonne, "Von, do you know Leia Norman? Have you seen her in

person before?"

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Yvonne thought for a while. "Of course!"

"Is Leia pretty in real life?" The female colleague was extremely curious.

"In real life..." Yvonne hesitated for a while, contemplating. "She’s just okay in real life. She depends

heavily on makeup and photoshop."

Yvonne had never met Leia before, but she knew her. Leia was the rising star of the entertainment

industry this year who was born after 1995.

She was the female lead in a well-known director's movie and after that, she became an instant hit.

The female colleague worshipped Yvonne for knowing so many celebrities. She continued gossiping.

"Von, you’re so close to so many people in the showbiz. Based on your calculations, do you think Leia

would continue her fame?"

"Why do you have so many questions?" They were so noisy that Nina could not continue with her work.

How annoying!

The female colleague looked at Nina innocently and said, "I follow these celebrities’ news and have

pretty high hopes for Leia Norman. If she has a clean private life, she'll have a great career in the

future. When that happens, I want to become her fan who has invested in her career."

Nina was speechless. She stared at her computer screen and tapped on her keyboard. She said

sarcastically while she worked, "If you have time to ask about a celebrity like Leia Norman, why don't

you have time to listen to the doctors when they tell you about your mother's health?"

The female colleague choked.

Indeed, her mother's doctor had called around ten o'clock to tell her about her mother's health.

However, she did not listen. She told the doctor to talk to her mother instead.

She loved to gossip about the entertainment industry. This was not illegal, right?

Yvonne looked at Nina from the corner of her eyes. Then, she averted her gaze and told the female

colleague, "If you want to become Leia's fan, then you've got the right person. I can guarantee that as

long as Leia wants to stay in showbiz, no one's able to stop her from rising to the top."

'Why?" The female colleague wanted to know more.

"She has a strong background." Yvonne lifted her brow and looked at the female colleague. "A

background that you won't be able to imagine.

However, I can't say much."

Yvonne’s mother married a millionaire. The circle for the rich and powerful in A City was only this big,

so everyone would know about the people who they should know and who they should not know.

Plus, if there was something major, it would spread across the circle instantly.

The Provincial Committee Secretary's last name was Norman, and his name was Jack Norman. On the

other hand, Jack's wife was Queenie Zeigler. When Queenie was young, she was best friends with

Luke's mother, Allison, and Xavier's mother, Lacey Foster. 2

Jack and Queenie had no children for some reason. 2

Ten years ago, however, Queenie brought back a girl who was around ten years old when she visited

the orphanage that she frequented. That girl, who was now Leia, was already 20 years old. 1

Which one of the young female celebrities in showbiz would have a better family background than


Other than that, none of the netizens knew about Leia's background and none of them dared to say

anything about this. They were worried that they would be shut out if someone found out about this.

On the other hand, the big bosses in showbiz knew clearly who Leia's adoptive parents were. All of

them flattered Leia with a tacit mutual understanding, treating her like she was a princess.

It would be easy for Leia if she wanted to climb up the ladder.

Yvonne was jealous when she thought about the glitz and glamor Leia received in showbiz. She was

envious of how Leia was flattered by so many celebrities. It would be perfect if she had the chance to

get into showbiz as well.

This girl was orphaned for ten years and became a star after ten years. How would one not feel jealous

of this unfair treatment?

Yvonne did not dare to talk bad about Leia, so she only told the female colleague about this. She said

that Leia was not that pretty in real life and all of the photos of her online were photoshopped.

In reality, Yvonne had never seen Leia in person before.

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They were chatting so carefreely over here, and on the other side, Bianca was so busy that her head

was spinning. She kept hearing the name 'Leia Norman' being repeated again and again.

After a busy morning and a quick lunch in the afternoon, Bianca grabbed her bag and ran out of the

office at three o'clock.

On the way to visit her grandpa, she went to a few printing shops that could print business cards.

In the end, she chose the cheapest one.

Bianca left her address to the shop owner and told them to deliver to the office as soon as they were


Grandpa Rayne's place was quiet and peaceful. The air was better than the one in the city.

After getting there with the address given to her, a caretaker opened the door for Bianca when she got

there. After she got in, she saw a housekeeper cleaning the place.

"Hello, Miss Rayne," the caretaker greeted her kindly.

"Hello,” Bianca replied politely as well.

Her grandpa's wounds were almost healed. In this kind of environment, he was more energetic. Bianca

felt that she did the right thing by accepting Luke’s help.

Her ego was not as important as her grandpa's health and peace.

While walking around the courtyard with his granddaughter, Grandpa Rayne said, "Luke cares about

you, so that's why he's taking care of me. You should remember this."

"He's kind," Bianca replied, hitting the ball to the sideline.

Grandpa Rayne slammed his cane down on the ground and looked at his granddaughter. He frowned

and lectured, "Of course he's kind! Luke is very considerate of you. He’s taking care of me to lessen

your burden, so you should remember this. Do you think he'd take me in if he’s just kind- hearted?

There are so many poor old men out there, so why doesn’t he keep an entire courtyard full of other

women’s grandfathers?"

Bianca was amused by her grandfather.

Grandpa Rayne continued, "Don’t throw stupid tantrums and don't try to break up with him because you

undervalue yourself. He likes you, so there must be something in you that attracts him. The families

need to be well- matched in terms of social status, but some husbands and wives are unhappy even if

they have compatible social statuses."