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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 132
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Chapter 132 Luke Couldn't Overcome His Possessiveness

Bianca wanted to tell the crazy guy that what they did last time would not make her pregnant.

However, her mouth was stuffed with the tie, so she could not say anything.

Then, she remembered what Luke searched for and what the online professional doctor replied. The

doctor said that foreplay might cause some chance of pregnancy even though the possibility was small.

However, there was still a slight chance.

When she thought about it, she became flustered.

In the past few days, she got so tired that her brain was mentally drained. Her mind was chaotic and

she could not remember whether she had taken the emergency contraceptive last time, i

Bianca remembered that she had bought the medicine and put it in her bag.

However, she did not remember whether she had taken it or when she had taken it.

Bianca never thought that she would be worried about getting accidentally pregnant. Being pregnant

with Luke's child was going to be torturous for her. The ultimate sinful act...

Before she knew it, her grief overcame her.

' Why are you crying?" Luke saw tears forming in her eyes. They slowly rolled down her cheeks. He

could not bear to see her cry and asked her softly.

The gloom on his face gradually faded.

Bianca looked at him without blinking until his lips lightly kissed her eyes.

She closed her eyes instinctively.

Her eyelids suddenly felt a warm touch when his thin lips pressed against them, kissing away her tears.

Then, it followed downward, kissing away the tears on her cheeks.

Luke's voice suddenly became hoarse. "What do you want me to do? You came into my life and now

you’re gone. Didn’t you expect that I wouldn't be able to let you go after you withdrew so quickly from


Bianca was speechless. All she did was just cry. She had no other choice.

"I like you. I liked you since we lived in the small town, but having a crush is something I could

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overcome. However, love for me is different. I couldn't find any way to stop myself from falling in love

with you. I couldn't find a way to stop the possessiveness that's aroused when I love you." Luke's

Adam's apple rolled up and down as he spoke.

She lowered her head and tried to hide her emotions.

Luke was silent for a long time and finally sighed. "Forget it."

After he let go of her body, he turned around and lit a cigarette.

After taking a few drags of his cigarette with his back facing her, the temptation of nicotine did not make

the man's mood better. On the contrary, it made it worse.

On the way home, neither Luke nor her said anything.

When they reached the entrance of her rented place, she got out of the car. Her eyes were dry and

painful, and she told herself not to look back after getting out of his car.

Grandpa was at home.

"Bea, you're back?"

"Yeah." She nodded and went into her bedroom.

Grandpa was watching the news.

Before going out to meet Brayden, Bianca cooked dinner for Grandpa. She made some spaghetti and

blanched veggies for him. It was his favorite.

Bianca served dinner to Grandpa. "Grandpa, while your teeth are still intact, you should eat more


When Grandpa took over the plate, he could not help feeling sentimental." Sigh. Sometimes I can't help

but think that it's not good to live too long. I’m getting older by the hour and becoming more of a burden

to you..."

Bianca hurriedly calmed her grandpa. "You’re not a burden, Grandpa. I feel happy to have you

around... When I eat with you while we watch TV shows together, I feel happy that I have family with


Having said that, she was afraid that Grandpa would see her red and tear- filled eyes. She hurriedly got

up and hid in the kitchen. She said as she walked toward the kitchen, "I think I forgot to turn off the

vent. Let me check."

Brayden had booked a slightly luxurious place.

When Bianca sat down, she looked around nervously.

Brayden seemed to see through her thoughts and consoled, saying, "It’s okay, it’s only a one-time

thing, unless you feel like coming again. I just want you to enjoy dates like other girls and enjoy what

you deserve. Don’t worry, I won't always be this extravagant." i

Bianca did not expect that Brayden would say those things.

After they had their main course, they ordered their desserts. The desserts were the highlight in that


However, when Brayden ordered desserts, the waiter said, "Sorry, Sir. The pastry chef had an

emergency and went back home. These desserts are unavailable at the moment. Would you like to

take a look and change to another one?"

If they did not get that specific one, then it would have been meaningless to eat there.

Brayden did not want to romanticize his life nor was he a romantic person. As long as a girl was willing

to be with him and live the rest of his ordinary life with him in the future, he would give himself fully to


He thought that when they hung out with friends in the future and the topic was about the city’s most

famous dessert, his wife Bianca would be able to say that her husband brought her there to eat it

before without feeling inferior.

"When I made a reservation, I was told that the pastry chef was available." Brayden could not imagine

that a pastry chef in a high-end restaurant could just suddenly leave.

When he looked at the diners next to them who had come slightly earlier than them, there was that

specific dessert on their table.

It seemed that the pastry chef left at the worst timing.

"It's okay, everything’s the same for me. I’m not much of a sweet tooth, anyway." Bianca did not want

Brayden to feel uncomfortable, so she said that on purpose.

The waiter insisted that the pastry chef was not there and apologized to Brayden with a smile.

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Brayden had no choice but to switch to another dessert.

When the two left, Brayden drove Bianca home.

They were officially together.

"Would you like to meet my parents and sister?" Brayden asked her while he drove.

"You should decide this. If you think that it’s the right time and want me to meet them, I will." Bianca felt

that meeting the family did not equate to getting married right away anyway.

It was fine to meet his parents. If his parents did not think that she was worthy of their son, she might

quit the relationship early on so that she would not be hogging a good and simple man like Brayden.

They talked all the way until they reached her neighborhood.

Brayden followed the navigation prompts and finally parked his car at the gate of the neighborhood. He

said reluctantly, "We’re here."

Bianca unfastened her seat belt, thanked him, and got out of the car.

"I’ll take you to that dessert place again next time." Brayden felt sorry.

Bianca nodded and left without being overly courteous.

When she returned home, she switched on the lights and called out," Grandpa?"

No one answered her.

"Grandpa?" Bianca put down her bag and went to look for him in his room, but there was no one there.

After looking around the house, she still could not find him. When Bianca tried to call his phone, the

automated voice said, "Sorry, the number you have dialed is unavailable at this moment."

At that moment, someone rang the doorbell.

Bianca did not think much about it and assumed it was Grandpa who had come back from a walk.

However, when she opened the door, there was a young man in a uniform standing at the door.

"Hello, this is your express dessert delivery." 1

The young man politely presented a delicately packed food box.

Bianca was startled.

'Dessert? Who sent it?' The restaurant's name on the dessert box was exactly the one where she and

Brayden went to eat. 'Didn't the pastry chef go home urgently?

'Who made this dessert?

'The main thing is, where's Grandpa?’

Bianca ignored everything and went downstairs to look for her grandfather who had suddenly
