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True Luna by Tessa Lilly

Chapter 131
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True Luna by Tessa Lilly 131
Chapter 131 One Mistake
Logan POV
I really enjoyed the look on the fucker’s face. I enjoyed it so much that it was hard to keep the smirk off my face.
Nice job, baby. I mind-linked Emma.
She didn’t respond.
I could feel her tension.
This had to be so fucking hard for her. Even if I didn’t want to admit it to myself, he was her mate. She felt the bond with him just
as much as she felt it with me. Keeping a distance from him and hurting him must have been so fucking hard for her.
‘It wouldn’t be hard for me.’ Leon growled. ‘I would rip him to fucking pieces.’
know.’ I sighed. ‘But you know that we can’t do that, Leon.’
‘I know.’ he growled again. ‘I wish that we could, though.’
‘Me too. I said.
don’t know what you are talking about.” the fucker said nervously.
Emma took a deep breath and shook
her head.
“Please don’t lie to me, Alpha Nathan.” Emma said calmly. “Tknow that you are working with rogues.”
Alpha Nathan tightened his jaw and clenched his fists.
“Emma, please give me a chance to explain.” he said, his voice laced with

I’m not sure that I want to hear your explanation.” Emma sighed. “Maybe you didn’t know that they kidnapped me, but I’m sure
that you knew that they killed my parents. I don’t think that there is anything to explain, Alpha Nathan.”
A quiet growl escaped him. I pulled
Emma’s chair back.
He looked up at me and narrowed his eyes.
“I am not going to hurt my mate.” he said, gritting his teeth.
Every time he said ‘my mate’, I felt a hot knife pierce through my heart.
“Alpha Nathan, please leave my office.” Emma said. “I have work to
He looked at her, and his eyes
“It was my father!” he said, panicking.

I raised an eyebrow at him. Was he really going to do this? Was he really going to blame his father for his stupid decisions?
“Please, Alpha Nathan.” Emma sighed. “You are the Alpha of your pack, aren’t you? It may have been your father’s idea, but it
was your order and your decision.”
That’s my fucking girl!
Alpha Nathan clenched his fists.
“You are right, Emma.” he said. “It was my decision. It was a wrong one, I admit. But can you really throw away our bond just
because I made one mistake? Logan never made

I froze.
I did. I made a huge fucking mistake.
My heart raced. My palms started sweating.
What would Emma say? Would he convince her to give him a chance? He wasn’t wrong. I made mistakes. So many fucking
The second it took Emma to answer him was the longest second of my fucking life.
“I am not throwing away our bond because of your mistake, Alpha Nathan.” Emma said. “I am already mated and married to
another man. I don’t want to divorce him. I don’t want to break my bond with him. I love him. That’s the reason I don’t
want to be your mate.”
Oh, thank fuck.
My heart was going to jump out of my chest I was so fucking sure of it.
Anger flashed in Alpha Nathan’s eyes.
He tightened his jaw and gulped.
“I don’t accept that, Emma.” he said. “You have to give me a chance. I am so fucking sure that I am your Goddess-given mate. I
can’t let you live your life tied to a curse.”
I saw fucking red. A growl that escaped my lips was impossible to stop.
I was not her curse! Our love was not a curse! Everything we’ve been through was not a fucking curse!
The fucker looked up at me
“One of us is the cursed mate, Alpha Logan.” he said, making me clench my fists. “I come from the oldest pack. I am a
descendant of the Alpha who was the first White Wolf’s Goddess-given mate. The chances are on my side, Alpha Logan.”
My heart broke into a million fucking pieces.
Don’t listen to him. Emma mind-

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linked me.
I couldn’t respond. I couldn’t get the air into my lungs.
“I don’t care about that, Alpha Nathan.” Emma said. “Even if Logan is my cursed mate, I would stay with him. This isn’t about
who is my Goddess-given mate and who is my cursed mate. This is about who I
love. And I love Logan. I want to stay with Logan.”

Warmth spread through my body.
The broken pieces of my heart hurt a little less. They started to heal. Her love could heal every single part of my body, heart, and
I wanted to mind-link her and tell her how fucking much I loved her, but I couldn’t focus. I could only focus on the lump in my
I needed the fucker to leave the room so I could take her into my arms and show her how much I loved her.
“I demand a chance, Emma.” a very pissed-off Alpha Nathan said. “I demand you reconsider your decision to stay with Logan.
kind of mate would I be if I left my
girl to be affected by a curse her whole life?”
I didn’t know what pissed me off more, him calling her his girl or calling our bond a curse. Or maybe even him demanding
something from my mate.
“Careful, Alpha Nathan.” I growled. “You are in no position to demand anything.”
He looked at me and raised his eyebrows.
“I think I am, Alpha Logan.” he said. “Or would you want to do this the hard way?”
We can’t let him start a war! Emma mind-linked me, and I could hear worry in her voice.
He won’t, baby, don’t worry. I said.

“What do you want, Alpha Nathan?” Emma asked, making him look at her.
“A dinner.” the fucker said. “Just you and me, Emma. I don’t want to be interrupted by your mate, your brother, or any other
member of your pack.”
I saw fucking red.
No fucking way.
I growled loudly, making the fucker

“I will think about it and let you know.” Emma said calmly.
She would think about it?!
I looked down at her and tightened
my jaw.
“I expect your answer by tomorrow, Emma.” the fucker’said as he stood
His demands were driving me fucking insane.
Emma didn’t respond. She kept her eyes on him as he started to leave the room.
I didn’t even look up at the fucker. I didn’t want to. I didn’t need to.
As soon as I heard the door close, I turned Emrna’s chair toward me, bent down, and pressed my lips against hers.
I had no fucking idea how I managed to stay so calm with that fucker in.

the room.
All I wanted to do was wrap my hands around his neck, squeeze, and watch the life leave his body.