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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 82
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Chapter 82 Jenny, You’ve Crossed the Line


After a while, Jenny finally nodded in agreement. She thought there would be no problem repaying Max’s

favor by attending an event.

Max laughed heartily, clearly in a good mood. “Good night. Sweet dreams,” he said.

Jenny got out of the car and walked toward the apartment. After waving at him, she quickly disappeared

from his sight. As usual, Max didn’t leave immediately. He lit a cigarette as he stared at the stars hanging

in the night sky.

“There are so many stars tonight,” he sighed to himself. At that moment, he heard a car approaching in

the distance, and he turned back to look at it.

Alec didn’t get out of the car when he pulled up beside Max. He lowered the window and said in a

sarcastic tone, “Must you wait for me every time after you drive her back?”

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“Of course,” Max answered, not denying it. Raising his eyebrows at him, he added, “It brings me joy

seeing you upset!”

Alec didn’t know how to respond to that.

“You’re a little late today. Normally, you would show up within ten minutes after I sent Jenny home. It’s

been twenty minutes!”

Alec was concerned that Max might have gone insane.

“And what about it?” he asked, much more composed than before. “Jenny won’t like you anyway, and

you doing all of this doesn’t make me angry anymore. Don’t you feel like a fool for acting like this?”

The more he got acquainted with Jenny, the more Alec was certain that Max was not her type. His words

instantly wiped the gleeful expression off Max’s face, leaving an icy mask behind.

“Perhaps she doesn’t like me now, but at least she doesn’t hate me. You, on the other hand, are acting

like a fool for pestering her. Am I wrong, Alec?”

Max’s counterattack matched Alec’s. They grew tense instantly, as if ready for a brawl.

“There’s a thin line between love and hatred. The more she hates me, the more I linger in her heart. Do

you understand?” Alec said.

Max sneered at that. “Are you sure?”

“Of course.” Alec nodded.

Just then, a chuckle interrupted their conversation. It was Jenny. She had never expected to hear such a

ridiculous statement when heading out to get food.

Alec gripped his steering wheel involuntarily. As Jenny walked out of the shadows, his head began to


When she approached them, she stared at Alec frostily, asking. “You’re so full of yourself.”


“You’re lingering in my heart? Who told you that?” Jenny was about to burst into laughter.

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Alec’s face darkened, but he made no reply. However, his lack of reply stoked her anger instead of

pacifying it.

“Do you think that all women in the world like you, Alec Faust?” she asked. “Why don’t you give it a

thought? If you aren’t filthy rich, would girls still clamor over you? You think too highly of yourself.”

Alec’s expression turned uglier. Max, on the other hand, wanted to applaud Jenny. It was his first time

witnessing Alec being scolded like that. Plus, Alec was too dumbfounded to rebuff her.

“Jenny, you’ve crossed the line!”

Trying to suppress his anger, he raised his eyes to meet hers. Even though he had said the wrong

words, she didn’t need to be so snarky toward him. He had never been scolded or belittled in that

manner his

entire life.

As if she couldn’t tell that he was angry, Jenny continued, “I’ve crossed the line? Well, I don’t think I’m

done talking yet! I’ll have you know that not all women are interested in you. I, for one, am not! So what if

I’m your ex-wife? That doesn’t mean there was anything between us, so please keep your distance from

me, Mr. Faust!”