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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 73
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Chapter 73 This Is on You

“Faye took a flight abroad an hour ago,” he confessed defeatedly, watching as Jenny became angrier by

the second. He didn’t want their relationship to worsen, but he had to protect Faye.

Fuming, she attacked him out of the blue. “Alec Faust, you’re asking for it!”


eyes flickered, and he dodged her attack swiftly. “Calm down…”

She launched her second attack while he was pleading. This time, she went all out.

“Calm down? How can I calm down?” she thought. The two fought in the cramped living room space, but

Alec was mostly on the defensive instead of attacking her.

Ten minutes later, Jenny was visibly exhausted, while Alec remained calm and composed. Even his hair

was in perfect shape. The next minute, she came to a stop and lazily combed through her hair. “Your

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skills are better than I expected.”

From a young age, she had trained to quickly and aggressively defeat opponents under an expert, and

she had been nearly invincible since. Alec’s excellent combat skills came as a surprise.

“You’re not too bad as well.” He smiled and let out a small sigh of relief after noticing that she didn’t make

any move. He got her some water. “Have a drink. Quench your thirst.”

She glared at him before accepting the glass of water. “I’m telling you-this isn’t the end of it.”

“I know.” He nodded and added, “How did you get caught by the three men if you are this skilled?”

Silence ensued. It was a mystery she had not had the time to look into.

“Someone spiked your drink when you went to the restroom during lunch with Stephanie,” he finally


She raised a brow but was not too surprised because she did have her assumptions. “Miss Lawrence

was well-prepared, it seemed. She even got me drugged before the abduction.” She chuckled after

realizing that Faye was more meticulous than she had thought.

Alec shook his head and said, “It wasn’t Faye.”

Her eyes darkened. “It wasn’t her?”

“It’s Dickman-Steven Dickman, the guy who tried to pick you up at an event last time,” Alec explained,

hoping that he could divert Jenny’s hatred away from Faye and himself.

She looked taken aback at first but realized it was plausible after all. In their last encounter, she had a

hunch that Steven Dickman was a sketchy character, but his boldness was beyond her imagination. She

thought, “How dare he drug me.”

Jenny wondered if the coincidence was good or bad luck for Faye. Had Jenny been taken by Steven’s

men, Faye wouldn’t have been implicated. However, it was all thanks to Steven’s men who drugged

Jenny that Faye’s hires could get their hands on her without much fuss.

“I can take down the Dickmans for you,” Alec offered in time. He added, “The Dickmans are more difficult

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than the Lawrences.”

She glanced at him and smirked. “No thanks. You shouldn’t expect me to forgive Faye by telling me

about Steven Dickman. Dream on!” Alec’s motive was apparent to her, and she would never let him get

his way.

Alec flashed her a bitter smile, feeling defeated. Indeed, Faye did something wrong, and he was Faye’s

guardian. Jenny’s dislike of him was understandable.

He had wanted to say something, but she was one step ahead of him. “Faye has slipped away, and this

is on you.”

“Dr. Walter…”

“You’d better pray that none of your dark secrets fall into my hands. Otherwise, I’d take care of you

along. with Faye,” she warned coldly.