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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 64
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Chapter 64 An Abduction

The next day, Stephanie treated Jenny to dinner as an apology for standing her up.

“You were always fooling around. I’m surprised to see the serious side of you after you started working,”

Jenny joked while sipping on juice. After the Walkers nearly went bankrupt, Stephanie officially started

working at Walker Inc. That was why the two had not caught up in a while-Stephanie was too busy

getting up to speed at work.

Stephanie sighed defeatedly. “I don’t have a choice. My dad only has a daughter. Had I not taken over,

he would have sold the company for cheap.”

“I think it’s good-you’re realizing your purpose in life,” Apart from the two years of marriage, Jenny had

not taken any break, as her dream was to maximize her potential. Stephanie, who could never

understand her ideals, said with a long face, “A workaholic like you will never get me. By the way, how

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are things between you and Alec?” She stared at Jenny with anticipation, ready for gossip.

Jenny rolled her eyes. “What else? He knew that I was his ex-wife. That’s all.”

“So, he knew?” Stephanie looked shocked, and her eyes burned with curiosity. “What was his reaction?

Was he regretful?”

“Who knows? I don’t care.” Jenny smirked and went over Alec’s expression from yesterday in her mind.

She guessed he did look somewhat regretful.

Stephanie grinned and rested her chin in her hands. She stared at Jenny. “Are you sure? He’s your ex-

husband, after all.”

“You said it-ex-husband.” Jenny replied gravely and added, “Since he’s my ex, there’s no relationship

between us anymore.”

Stephanie thought it was a pity. “To be honest, Alec is not too bad. Don’t you want to reconsider?”

Jenny looked horrified at the suggestion and touched Stephanie’s forehead. “You don’t have a fever, do

you? He almost bankrupted your dad’s company. Why would you say that he’s not bad?”

“Those are two different matters. I have always been fair,” Stephanie said with a straight face. Jenny

dropped the conversation and stood up. “I need to use the washroom.”

“Let’s go together.” Stephanie stood up and followed her to the washroom. After they left the table, a

waiter came over to refill Jenny’s water. When no one was watching, he slid a white pill into her drink.

Soon, the girls returned to their table but didn’t sense anything amiss. Jenny took a sip of her water and

showed no reaction. From afar, the waiter let out a sigh of relief and sent a text.

After dinner, Stephanie and Jenny left the restaurant. Since Walker Inc’s office was nearby, Jenny

decided to walk her friend there and take a cab home from the office.

“Jenny…” Stephanie hesitated to speak.

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“Hmm? What is it?” Jenny gave her a confused look.

A few moments later, Stephanie still struggled to explain some recent events in her life to Jenny. The

man she encountered looked like someone not to be messed with, and she assumed he must have an

unusual background. She worried that she would land Jenny in trouble if she told her about him. After

careful consideration, she decided to keep the man a secret for now.

“Nothing. It’s just… Time flies. In the blink of an eye, we are adulting, hustling, and surviving,” she

lamented with a smile.

Yeah, time flew so fast..

When they were reminiscing, a van suddenly halted at the intersection. When Jenny noticed the threat,

three stocky guys had already barged out from the van, grabbed her by the arm, and dragged her into

the vehicle.

“Jenny!” Stephanie screamed in horror.

“Run!” That was the last word Jenny uttered before she disappeared into the van.