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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 1391
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Chapter 1391 Gilbert and Marigold (66)

In a crucial situation like this, Jenny didn't want to leave Marigold and the child alone. "It's

okay. I'll stay here to be with you two. The hospital will be fine."

Marigold wanted to say more, but she knew that she wouldn't be able to change Jenny’s

decision. She could only thank her.

Jenny was worried that Marigold would overthink at home, so she decided to take her

shopping. She was a woman, after all. They could shop her frustrations away.

Marigold didn't object to it. She was thinking of bringing Caleb out for a spin.

The driver brought them to the mall. A bodyguard and a nanny kept close to them. Since

Caleb didn't need to be personally attended to by them, it was a relatively relaxing

shopping experience.

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"Let's get some clothes for Caleb," Jenny said.

Marigold didn't refuse. She wanted to buy some things for Caleb to eat and play with, so

she went into the baby section with Jenny.

They bought a load of stuff for the child. Jenny saw that Marigold wanted to keep going, so

she took her out of the baby section and brought her to the women's luxury brands.

’ Moms can love their children, but they can't just love their kids. They need to buy some

things for themselves, too." She took Marigold into one of the boutiques.

It was then that Jenny understood that it was a very, very bad decision.

Gilbert and Lottie were shopping in the exact same store. Thus, when they went in, they

bumped into each other.

The atmosphere grew tense for quite a few moments. Then, Jenny pulled Marigold further

into the store, not intending to turn back. If they did, it would mean that they had lost.

"This suits you, Marigold." Jenny had picked out a red dress for Marigold. It was loud, but

surprisingly, it suited Marigold well. She was pale and had the perfect hair to match. With

the red dress, her extraordinary beauty was further showcased.

Marigold, however, kept on refusing. When she saw Gilbert and Lottie in there, she lost all

of her drive to shop. She just wanted to turn and leave.

Even though she knew that Gilbert was accompanying Lottie for a reason and didn't even

like her, she still felt upset.

' Bert, I think that's your sister," Lottie said as she put her arm through Gilbert's and

walked towards them.


Marigold's heart ached. Were they that close already?

Now, even if Jenny wanted to ignore them, she couldn't. She had no choice but to face

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Gilbert and Lottie. "Yes, Miss Silvera. That's my brother. But ever since he returned to the

Bradshaws, I haven't been keeping in touch with him," Jenny said.

This was what they had previously discussed. Jenny naturally wouldn't agree to Gilbert

returning to the Bradshaws, so they decided to pretend that they had lost contact with

each other. Only then would Esther be convinced that Gilbert truly wanted to return.

Lottie seemed to be hearing about this for the first time. She was shocked. "Why? What's

wrong with Bert choosing to go back to his parents? As his sister, you should be

supporting him instead."

"This is between Gilbert and I. You don't have to worry about that." Jenny didn't want to

keep talking to her. She was just a pawn in their game. Jenny didn't have to waste her


But Lottie wouldn't let it go. When she saw that Jenny was about to leave, she pulled her

back. "I think that there must be a misunderstanding between you two. Since you've met

today, let's have a meal together to clear the air. What do you think, Bert?"