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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 1389
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Chapter 1389 Gilbert and Marigold (64)

When Jenny and Alec returned to the villa, Marigold and Gilbert were done talking. On top

of that, they seemed cozier with each other.

Jenny knew that Gilbert had successfully convinced Marigold.

"Gilbert," she said, walking in and interrupting them.

Marigold blushed at once. Gilbert was embarrassed, too. "I'm going to have to trouble you

to take care of them for a while longer."

' Don't worry, Gilbert. Nothing will happen to them as long as I'm around." No one dared to

stir trouble on her turf.

So what if the Bradshaws were capable? Could they withstand the force of the Ten Elites if

they joined forces?

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Jenny could get quite a few of the Ten Elites to team up. The Bradshaws were no match for


Gilbert knew it was safest for Marigold and Caleb to be with Jenny. Hence, he didn't

dawdle. "I'd better head back. Someone is spying on my villa. I'm afraid of something


Although he thought it was unlikely, it was better to be on his guard.

"Alright. Get Alec to send you back," Jenny said.

Alec and Gilbert had no objections to that. They soon left the villa quickly.

Once they left, Jenny went to Marigold's side. ' Did he clear things up with you? Are you

still angry?"

"I'm definitely still mad, but I can understand him now," Marigold said with a smile.

"As long as you understand. Gilbert has no other choice. Although Alec and

I can help him, you know what he's like. He doesn't want my help." Although Jenny didn't

say it out loud, Gilbert knew that just with the Walters and the Fausts, they would be able

to defeat the Bradshaws. However, the Walters and the Fausts would be affected.

Gilbert didn't want them to help precisely because of that.

"I know, and I'll support him. I believe he can do it," Marigold said.

It was just going to be some fake news. Maybe Gilbert would approach other women, but

nothing would happen. Marigold didn't think she had to be furious. After all, if no

engagements were made, no weddings would happen.

Marigold would never dream that news of Gilbert's wedding had already spread

throughout the city.

In Alec's car, they needed about twenty minutes to reach Gilbert's villa. It was rather quiet

in the car. They weren't very used to it.

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"How are things with Jenny?" Gilbert said. Although he didn't like Alec, he'd found nothing

wrong with him after his wedding. Thus, he had to convince himself to let go of his bias.

Alec replied, "Pretty good."

"When are you planning to have children?" Gilbert asked.

Alec was not amused. "If you can't think of anything to say, you can choose to be quiet."

Gilbert was speechless. Alright. He and Alec didn't have much to talk about, anyway. They

were not the talkative type.

The car drove on. Once Gilbert was quiet, Alec asked, "Esther won't trust you this easily."

"I know." Gilbert nodded. "She wants me to be engaged to Lottie. After that, she'll let me

be the vice president of Bradshaw operations."

"And did you agree to that?" Alec glanced at the person in the passenger seat.

"I did."

Alec rolled his eyes, exasperation written all over his face. "And have you told Marigold?"

"No," Gilbert replied.