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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 1354
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Chapter 1354 Gilbert and Marigold (29)

When Jenny put it like that, Marigold understood Gilbert's reaction. She wanted to laugh.

"Alright. Don't worry. I won't give up just yet.’

She would not give up. She hadn't given up even when Gilbert absolutely hated her. And

now that she was seeing progress, all of her efforts would be wasted if she gave up now.

After the phone call with Jenny, Marigold felt much better. She went upstairs, showered,

then slept soundly in her bed. She was not in a hurry. Since there was progress, she felt

much calmer.

She slept very well that night, but Gilbert hadn't.

Because of Marigold's kiss, he had a dream once more. It wasn't as outlandish as before,

but this time, he dreamt that he and Marigold were having their wedding.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

This was madness.

A wedding!

Was he really going to marry her?

Meanwhile, Esther returned to the Bradshaws. novëlx.o When Octavius Crawley saw her,

he hurriedly asked, "How was it? Did he agree to come back?"

Octavius' voice was subdued. He was respectful towards Esther. Although they were

husband and wife, their interactions seemed more akin to a superior and an employee.

It couldn't be helped. This was how it was destined to be ever since the day he married


“Come back? He told me to fuck off!" novëlx.o Esther was still furious when she thought of

Gilbert's attitude toward her. She had gone to see him with utmost sincerity. Gilbert should

not have refused her. It wasn't her fault that Gilbert had gone lost, and she had been

looking everywhere for him. Why was he so resistant toward her?

She felt upset when she thought of this. "Get someone to investigate the Wilkins. I want to

see how they raise children!"

The Wilkins were Jenny's grandfather's family in Orchid Village.

Esther felt that Horace Wilkins had not brought them up properly, which was why he would

reject his own parents.

“Don't be too anxious. He didn't have his parents around for so long. He must be angry at

us. He wouldn't be able to understand or accept it so quickly." novëlx.o Octavius thought it

was a pity, but he wasn't angry.

Esther glanced at him, upset. "Of course you're not upset. The Bradshaws' inheritance has

nothing to do with you, but what about me? Look at Eli! Do you think he can inherit the

Bradshaws? I'm anxious to get Gilbert because I want him to take over the Bradshaws."

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Eli was her second child. After Gilbert went missing, Esther placed all of her efforts on him.

However, she was not reaping any rewards for all her hard work. Eli only knew how to

enjoy the pleasures of life. He wasn't at all like a suitable heir. It was why she was so


Hence, she increased her efforts in looking for Gilbert, and she finally found him. However,

she did not expect him to refuse her in such a crass way. novëlx.o There was no room for

negotiations at all. She was upset, but there didn't seem to be another choice.

Octavius' eyes dimmed, saying nothing. He had no right to speak in this house.

Both of them had not noticed a movement on the second floor. Eli, who was prepared to

go downstairs, had frozen in place. His face was terrifyingly dark.

Let Gilbert take over the Bradshaws?

Was he going to inherit the Bradshaws even after so many years of absence?

What was the point of Eli's actions back then if that happened? At this thought, his eyes

flashed dangerously.