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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 1340
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Chapter 1340 Gilbert and Marigold (15)

Putting away her phone, Jenny looked at Marigold, who was seated across from her. "It was

a success. Gilbert will come over in a moment."

’Okay," Marigold replied, blushing slightly.

Seeing her reaction, Jenny couldn't help but comment, ’I thought you would be as bold as

before. I thought you would make some progress with Gilbert while staying under the

same roof."

"I..." Marigold opened her mouth but hesitated for a while before saying," I'm afraid doing

that might make him feel disgusted with me."

After all, she'd seen with her own eyes the unfiltered disdain on Gilbert's face once. Now

that she finally had the chance to get close to him again, she didn't want to do anything

that would make him repulsed and potentially cause him to send her away.

’He probably wont. I feel like Gilbert treats you differently now compared to before."

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Although she wasn't sure what to make of Gilbert's current attitude toward Marigold, she

could sense that there was a change.

As soon as Jenny said that, Marigold's eyes lit up with a hint of surprise and disbelief.

"Really? Do you really think so?"

"Yeah." Jenny nodded. "But I'm not entirely sure what he's thinking. If you really like him,

you should still take the initiative and try to win him over."

At this point, Jenny no longer harbored any dislike toward Marigold. She was even looking

forward to seeing her marrying Gilbert and forming a family with him. It wasn't just for

Gilbert's sake but also for the child who would soon be one month old.

Children fare better with their parents by their side. If their parents had a loving

relationship, it would be all the more conducive to their growth and development.

"Okay. I know what to do," Marigold replied with a nod. Perhaps because of Jenny's

encouraging words, she actually started to ponder the possibilities.

While they were talking, Alec arrived at the restaurant. He walked right over and sat next

to Jenny.

’Hi, Alec," Marigold greeted. Although she wasn't very familiar with him, she knew him

because of Paul.

Alec nodded but didn't say anything. "Have you ordered?” he asked Jenny.

Jenny nodded. "Yes, we have."

’Good. Did you buy new clothes?" Alec noticed the bag next to Jenny and leaned closer,

whispering in her ear.

Jenny nodded and pushed him away lightly. Marigold was still sitting across from them, so

Jenny thought he should be a bit more reserved and keep some distance from her. Alec

noticed she was a bit embarrassed, so he moved aside a little and didn't continue leaning

in. He then returned to his original state of aloofness.

But it was already too late. In Marigold's heart, the once lofty and distant Alec had fallen

from grace. She could hardly believe her eyes.

Was the man who was clinging to Jenny just now really the same Alec she used to know?

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Marigold could still remember the first time she saw Alec. She'd followed Paul to a party

and saw him sitting on the sofa from a distance. He held a glass of wine in his hand. By

merely sitting there and doing nothing, he exuded an aura that made him seem


At that time, she had a favorable impression of Alec. She secretly asked Paul to introduce

him to her. After all, no one would pass up on the chance to get to know a handsome guy.

’If you don't want to die, drop this idea," Paul replied simply and bluntly, his tone laced

with a hint of warning.

Marigold wasn't thick. When she heard Paul say that, she knew she couldn't afford to cross

paths with this person. So, she gave up on the idea at the drop of a hat.

Fortunately, she was only attracted by his appearance and didn't like Alec that much.

But what did she just see?

She witnessed that same man, who used to be high and mighty, become lovestruck and

clingy. If she hadn't been certain that the person in front of her was Alec, she would have

started to doubt whether he was the same person.