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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 1337
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Chapter 1337 Gilbert and Marigold (12)

Marigold's body was trembling slightly, and Jenny noticed it. She reached out and held her

hand while asking, "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine." Marigold forced a smile, but she looked anything but fine at that moment.

"Don't think too much. Isn't the baby's naming ceremony this weekend? I'll accompany

you to go shopping. We should get you some new clothes for such a wonderful occasion,"

Jenny suggested while getting up and taking off her white coat. She prepared to leave the

hospital with Marigold.

Soon, they walked out of the hospital and stood by the roadside. A gust of wind blew over

them, and only then did Marigold return to her senses and ask, "Huh? Shopping? Don't you

need to work?"

' Alec is the major shareholder of this hospital." In other words, Jenny had absolute

freedom over her working hours.

Of course, most of the time, she still went to work on time. After all, she had quite a

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number of patients who came to see her every day. But there were exceptions sometimes,

like now.

Regardless of whether Marigold could ultimately end up with Gilbert, she'd given birth to

Caleb. He was her nephew, and for that reason alone, Jenny felt that she had to soothe

Marigold's unease and prevent her from overthinking.

‘You don't have to trouble yourself. I'm fine, really. You should go back to work," Marigold

said. Ever since she fell ill, she'd completely lost interest in trivial things like buying


Jenny didn’t give her a chance to refuse. She pulled Marigold along and got into a cab. ‘I

know you don't care much about your outward appearance, but you have to consider the

child. Gilbert's friends and family will be present on the day of the naming ceremony. I

heard he even invited several business partners. Are you sure you would like them to see

a gloomy mother?"

The relationship between Gilbert and Marigold was an open secret. The people attending

the naming ceremony were aware of this and wouldn't ask insensitive questions. Everyone

knew that Marigold was the child's mother, but she wasn't anyone to Gilbert in any way at

the moment. Nevertheless, they would still take the initiative to approach Marigold

because no one could tell what might happen in the future. Perhaps they would end up

together after all.

"Will there be so many people present? I thought he only invited you and a few others,"

Marigold remarked, feeling a bit nervous at the thought of appearing in front of so many

people. She hadn't really dressed herself up all this time.

The car was already moving when Jenny glanced at Marigold from the corner of her eye

and said, "Yes, Gilbert is taking this naming ceremony very seriously. So, you need to

dress yourself up nicely. For Cal, you know?"

'Okay, I understand." Marigold nodded meekly in agreement. At the mention of her child,

she had no objections to anything.

The car soon arrived at the largest shopping mall in Bardoff City. Marigold wasn't lacking

money, so when Jenny offered to pay, she refused and bought a few outfits for Jenny in

return instead. Jenny accepted her goodwill gracefully.

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Smiling at Marigold, she said, "Rest assured. In return for these outfits, I'll help you."

"Huh?" Marigold didn’t quite understand what she meant by that.

Help her? Help her with what?

"Are you sure you don't have any feelings for Gilbert?’ Jenny smirked.

Although Marigold hadn't made her feelings for Gilbert obvious, Jenny could tell she still

liked him. Moreover, her love for him hadn't diminished overtime. On the contrary, it had

become more intense as they lived together.

Marigold didn't expect Jenny to bring it up. Her cheeks instantly burned red in response.

"Don't talk nonsense. Gilbert doesn't think of me that way." With that, she hurriedly

entered the fitting room.

Jenny shook her head helplessly. She thought Marigold needed to stop being shy and act

boldly instead. She'd already created an opportunity for the two of them to be together

every day. Jenny was hoping that Marigold would take the initiative like before and

eventually win Gilbert over.

But who could have foreseen that Marigold would undergo a drastic change in attitude?

Not only was she not proactive anymore, but she'd also become shy and reserved.