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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 1334
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Chapter 1334 Gilbert and Marigold (9)

'Okay." Marigold nodded in agreement. She knew Gilbert was right. She would have many

other chances to personally organize such events for her child in the future. But if she

were to succumb to illness, she wouldn't be able to witness their child's growth.

Seeing that she no longer insisted, Gilbert felt relieved and got up. Then, he walked

toward the kitchen. "Do you want some pasta?”

Marigold was rendered speechless, not quite comprehending his sudden unrelated


A little over ten minutes later, Marigold looked at the plate of pasta in front of her, lost in


’Do you skip dinner every day?" She couldn't help but ask. If Gilbert had indeed waited

until this late to eat on a daily basis, it was very unhealthy for his body.

Gilbert continued eating his pasta without noticing the flicker of concern in Marigold’s

eyes. "I'm way too busy with work at the company.*

If Marigold hadn't said she was hungry the previous night, he wouldn't have eaten dinner

at all. As for tonight...Perhaps it was because he was reminded of last night that he

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proactively asked about dinner.

’You can't neglect your meals just because you're busy. Your body won't hold up if you

don't take care of yourself," Marigold nagged, sounding displeased. "You're not a bachelor

anymore; you need to take care of your health.'

'Hmm?” Gilbert paused in action, not quite understanding the meaning behind Marigold's


With her ears turned slightly red, Marigold hastily averted her gaze. *What I mean is, now

that you're a father, you should consider your child even if you don't care about your own


'Oh, I see." With that, Gilbert casually brushed off her concern earlier.

Upon hearing his response, Marigold knew he hadn't really taken her words to heart. She

felt helpless but also realized she had no right to dictate what he should do. There was a

tinge of bitterness in her heart as she thought of that.

Sometimes, having the right to care for a loved one was a privilege.

After chowing down their pasta, they each returned to their rooms. Gilbert took a shower

and lay on the bed, constantly thinking of the child's name.

Caleb Hawthorn...

Did this mean that he had actual family from henceforth? Another living family member

who shared a blood connection with him and had his last name.

Gilbert couldn't quite describe his feelings at the moment. It was a mix of emotions, but

for the most part, he felt glad that he wasn't alone anymore. It was a marvelous feeling.

In the next room, Marigold lay in bed but had difficulty falling asleep. As soon as she

returned to her room, she received a phone call from Paul.

"Paul," Marigold greeted as she answered the call.

'How long do you plan to stay at Gilbert's place? What exactly is your relationship with

him? Aren't you afraid of people mocking you for living with another man without a proper

status?* Paul didn't mince his words. He'd never been fond of Gilbert.

Before this, Gilbert had refused outrightly to take any responsibility for Marigold no matter

what. Now, he was willing to let her stay at his villa. Paul genuinely had no idea what

Gilbert was thinking, so as a result, he had a very poor impression of him.

Marigold could tell Paul wasn't happy about her situation, but she insisted,' I'm fine here.

You don't have to worry."

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'Fine? How are you fine? Who are you to him? Has he given you a legitimate status to stay

with him?" Paul was furious.

'I'm not concerned about those things," Marigold replied.

Paul was on the verge of bursting an artery at this point. "You're devaluing yourself!"

The Wagner family had become one of the Ten Elites of Bardoff City. As a daughter of the

Wagners, Marigold deserved a man way more superior than Gilbert. But what did she do?

Not only did she show no intention of distancing herself from Gilbert, but she even chose

to live with him without any official status or recognition.

’Paul, I'm just an ordinary person. I'm not part of the high society," Marigold said. No

matter how well the Wagner family developed, it had nothing to do with her. She'd never

revealed that she was connected to the Wagner family to anyone else.

"You're the eldest daughter of the Wagner family-’

*The Wagner family has many daughters. Someone would gladly fill that spot in my

place,* she said with a hint of mockery.

Her father might not be good at many things, but he was extremely good at producing

children. As a result, numerous descendants fought for control within the family. If it

weren't for Paul's exceptional abilities, who knew what the Wagner family would be like
