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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 1316
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Chapter 1316 The Wedding

Upon hearing that, Lynette was stunned, and her eyes reddened with tears of joy. "W-what

did you call me?"

Jenny smiled and said the word once more, "Mom."

’Oh!' Lynette was so happy that she was almost jumping with joy. She got up and went

upstairs to find Graham while excitedly exclaiming, "Graham, did you hear that? Jenny

called me Mom! She called me Mom!"

"I know. I heard it too," Graham replied, embracing his beloved in his arms. He knew she'd

been waiting for this day for a long time.

Lynette started crying.

Jenny watched them from downstairs with a faint smile on her lips. She thought, "I guess

this is the best ending for us.’

She then went back to her room and received a call from Alec. "Jenny, I feel so freaking

excited right now."

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’What are you all excited about?" Jenny was puzzled. She wasn't all pumped up like Alec.

On the contrary, she was quite calm. To her, although she and Alec weren't officially

married yet, they'd been living together all the while like a married couple. In reality, it

didn't make much difference to her other than having an additional ceremony to make

their union official.

"After tomorrow, you'll be my wife! Not just a girlfriend or a fiancee, but my wife!" He'd

been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Jenny listened, still not finding anything particularly exciting about the whole thing. "Calm

down, Alec. You're so excited now, but who knows if you'll still be this excited in the


Feelings tended to fade over time, after all. That was the norm.

"That won't be the case for me! Being able to marry you is xo enough to keep me

excited for a lifetime!' Alec exclaimed earnestly.

Jenny pursed her lips and teased him for being such a sweet talker, but deep down, she

was actually over the moon. Although she wasn't overly excited like Alec, she was still


"We'll definitely be happy together for a lifetime," Alec said. Right then, he was still at the

wedding venue, stomping out all possibilities of anything unexpected that might occur


Jenny replied with a simple xo "Yeah" and didn't say anything else before hanging up.

As she lay on the bed, she tossed and turned but was unable to fall asleep. With a wry

smile, she realized she wasn't as calm as she had imagined.

The next day, the stylist and makeup artist started dressing Jenny up early in the morning.

Jenny wore a lightweight red gown that Alec had chosen for the daytime. She looked

exceptionally beautiful after putting it on.

Just as her makeup was done, Alec arrived with his entourage to pick her up.

Walter Castle bustled with excitement. The bridesmaids made a show of blocking the

entrance, but Alec quickly led his entourage upstairs to the bedroom, where Jenny was

sitting on the bed, smiling and watching everything unfold.

"Wait a moment, Mr. Faust. novëlxo The bride isn't wearing any shoes! Your first challenge

is to find her shoes." Stephanie stepped forward to stop Alec, who was about to carry

Jenny away. She wouldn’t let him take her away so easily.

Alec didn't refuse and began to search for Jenny's high heels with his best man in the

room. Stephanie and the bridesmaids didn't intentionally make it difficult for Alec, so they

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quickly found the shoes. But it didn't end there.

Stephanie had prepared a second challenge for Alec.

' Mr. Faust, please say 'I love you' to Jenny in eight different languages."

"Woah!" Everyone watching cheered along.

Faced with the cheering crowd, Jenny felt a little embarrassed, so her cheeks flushed


On the other hand, Alec remained unruffled. He looked at Jenny and steadily proclaimed,

n.ovëx.o "Jenny, I love you!"

Then, he continued to say "I love you" in seven foreign languages in one go.

As the words fell, everyone applauded, and Alec successfully carried Jenny away in his

arms. He carried Jenny step by step out of Walter Castle. The bridesmaid and groomsmen

threw confetti over the happy couple as they made their way out, and the crowd cheered

vigorously. Lynette and Graham looked at Jenny and Alec's receding figures from behind,

silently wiping away the tears at the corners of their eyes.

"This is great! Our daughter is married now. After this, we can live the life that we've

always yearned for in peace," Graham said with a mixture of emotions. They'd planned to

go on a global trip but still had yet to get to it. After Jenny's wedding, n.ovëx.o they could

finally begin with their first destination.