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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 1314
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Chapter 1314 Take Responsibility for Me

Alec thought that her question was absolutely unnecessary. Besides, he never intended to

help Quinn. "Why should I help her? I'm already being kind enough to her by giving her a

place to stay.'

If he'd known that he would very nearly get into an argument with Jenny because of this,

he wouldn't have let her stay there at all.

"Hey, all things considered, she was still your first love.' Jenny couldn't help but tease

Alec, smiling as she looked at him.

Alec was speechless upon hearing her words and quickly explained, "She and I never got

together! How can she be considered my first love? If I think about this whole first love

thing carefully, you're my first love! You have to take responsibility for me."

"How am I supposed to take responsibility for you? You're my first love, too, “ Jenny

defended herself.

' Really? But didn't you like Evan before you liked me?" Alec purposely mentioned Evan

again in hopes of making Jenny understand what kind of relationship he and Quinn had.

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Upon hearing him saying that, Jenny fell silent, as Alec had expected.

"Alright, Quinn was just his crush back when he was still young and didn't know better,"

Jenny concluded inwardly.

"Hear me out, Jenny. I just thought she was pitiful, so I gave her a place to stay. If you

don't like that, I'll get her to move out tomorrow.’ In Alec's opinion, it was just a villa that

was sitting around and not utilized.

However, if Jenny was unhappy and unwilling to let Quinn stay, he wouldn't go against her


The moment he said that, Jenny hurriedly waved her hand to show that there was no need

to go to that extent. "No, you don't have to do that. I'm not that petty. It's not like we don't

have one ourselves.”

’Right? That's what I thought, too," Alec agreed with a smile. He knew that Jenny wasn't

really concerned about material things. She only cared about whether he still had feelings

for Quinn.

Fortunately for Jenny, he didn't have any feelings for this "first love" of his at all.

The two of them didn't dwell on the issue regarding Quinn any longer. For the rest of the

night, they chatted casually. Alec asked Jenny why she returned ahead of schedule, and

she told him about her overseas conference. And so, that night passed just like that.

They had a calm and peaceful night, but Quinn tossed and turned, unable to sleep no

matter how hard she tried.

She'd never intended to cause a conflict between Jenny and Alec. In fact, she'd

deliberately said those ambiguous words as a joke. Now, she lay in bed wide awake

because of the intense feelings of guilt that she felt.

Quinn heaved a sigh as she turned in bed once more. "Damn it. I'd better go clear the air

with her tomorrow."

This time around, she'd come to find Alec for a reason. Her real intention was to provoke

that man, not because she was hoping for something to ignite between her and Alec.

However, looking at how things had progressed so far, she guessed that her efforts were

probably futile.

"Well, I should stop holding out for him. If he doesn't come to find me and doesn't take any

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action, I guess it's better we part ways like this. I'll just take it that I'm cutting losses,"

Quinn reasoned internally.

That night, she thought about many things. After she made the decision to explain

everything to Jenny tomorrow, she no longer felt burdened and quickly drifted off to


The next day, Jenny went to the hospital to work as usual. When Quinn came to find her,

she'd just seen a patient. Jenny was surprised and a little displeased at her unexpected


"Could she be here to provoke me?" Jenny wondered. Silently, Jenny decided that if she

truly did that, she would make her leave using any means possible. She wouldn't allow

Quinn to stir up trouble on her turf.

"What's the matter, Miss Blue?" Jenny asked bluntly.

Quinn could sense Jenny's animosity toward her; nevertheless, she brushed it off and

didn't mind it.

"I came here to explain that nothing is going on between Alec and me. He just gave me a

place to stay because he felt sorry for me. All those things I said yesterday were just to

poke fun at you both-l wanted to see your reactions. But it seems like you two are way

more loving toward each other than I thought. I envy you guys."