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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 1313
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Chapter 13131 Have Nothing to Do with Her

The car quickly arrived at their new home, which had been newly renovated and adorned

with decorations, giving off a newlywed vibe. When Jenny got out of the car and looked at

the house in front of her, she started believing Alec more. However, she was still unhappy.

As Alec led her into the house, she realized the interior design was identical to their

previous home,n.ovëx.o ensuring that everything felt familiar.

"Jenny, look, I didn't lie to you," Alec said, looking sad.

Jenny looked around and then sat on the sofa,novëlxo lost in thought. Although she

believed Alec, she still felt uneasy. ’Why did Quinn suddenly come to see you? Doesn't she

know anyone else?"

"I...I don't think so." Alec didn't think much about it. He simply thought it wouldn't hurt to

give her a place to stay.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Are you sure she's telling you the truth and not trying to deceive you?" Jenny couldn't

fully trust Quinn. According to Quinn, she came to Bardoff City to seek refuge with Alec

because she wanted to force the man who had been following her to marry her. But what

if that wasn't the case? What if she came for Alec?

Alec seemed to understand what she was thinking and immediately said," Jenny, trust me,

you're the only one in my heart. No matter what Quinn's intentions are, I won't let her


Jenny sighed, realizing that although Alec was at fault in this situation, it wasn't as bad as

she initially thought. Hence, she wasn't as angry anymore. "Well, it's best for you to keep

your distance from her. Even if we do get married, divorce is not impossible.'

She had finally made up her mind to marry Alec and truly didn't want any accidents or

unpleasant surprises. If Alec did something that made her unhappy, she might not give

him another chance.

Alec could tell that Jenny was serious, xo and he nodded earnestly. "Don't worry, I


"Great, it's good that you do." Jenny didn't pursue the topic. "I want to take a shower. I'm


"Okay, I'll take you there," Alec said, paying utmost attention to her, afraid that Jenny

hadn't calmed down yet. He led Jenny into the master bedroom and watched her enter the

bathroom before he heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed like she wasn't angry anymore.

It was just his bad luck. He hadn't expected Jenny to come back early. He had tried to

surprise her, but he never thought that she would also try to surprise him. It almost


After showering and coming out of the bathroom, Jenny found that Alec wasn't in the

bedroom. xo She looked at the wedding decorations that adorned the bed,

wondering if it was necessary as their wedding day had yet to arrive. Nonetheless, she

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

had no energy to do anything about it, so she lay down to rest.

An hour later, Alec knocked on the bedroom door. "Jenny, had enough rest? Let's go

downstairs for dinner."

"Okay," Jenny replied groggily. xo She hadn't fallen asleep; she had just dozed off for

a while.

They went downstairs to the dining room, where Alec had prepared a meal. Apart from the

wedding portraits, the place was not much different from their previous villa.

"What are you going to do about Quinn?" Jenny brought up Quinn again during their meal.

Alec's hand paused as he was about to pick up food, seemingly not understanding why

she was asking that. ’What do you mean? I have nothing to do with her."

"She came to you for help, right? Are you going to help her?" Jenny didn't understand

Quinn's thoughts. She came to Alec for help, claiming she wanted to force the man who

had been following her to marry her. What was that all about? Did she want to make that

man jealous?

Jenny couldn't figure it out, so she decided not to dwell on it