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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 1298
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Chapter 1298 She Was Wrong About Him

Too bad Melissa wasn't going easy on him. She instructed the bodyguard," Break the other

arm to teach him a lesson. That'll remind him of today whenever he wants to look for Janet


"No! Ah-" The painful scream reverberated in the air. Janet's brother passed out from the

pain, and his parents were as pale as ghosts. Melissa looked on in satisfaction-she had

achieved what she wanted.

"Don’t you ever accuse us of being ruthless. Here's some cash for his medical bills. Send

him to the hospital. I won't be responsible if he dies!" Then, she threw a wad of hundred-

dollar bills on the floor. She was uninterested in taking care of the fallout.

After that, she entered her car in a good mood. Jenny glanced at her and asked, "Have you

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taken care of them?”

"Nothing to worry about. No problem at all." Melissa gestured an OK to her. "I guarantee

they'd never give Janet Hale trouble anymore."

"Great. Thank you for going through the trouble," Jenny said to Melissa, a

Melissa flashed a smile, nonplussed. "Miss Walter, you're my boss. It's my job to work for

you. You don't have to thank me."

Jenny returned the smile without another word. She asked Melissa to start the car. It was

time to return to Bardoff City.O

Night had descended on Bardoff City. When Jenny arrived home, Alec happened to come

home from work at the same time. He was in the dark about her trip and felt sorry to see

her working late. "Were you busy at the hospital?"

"It was alright." She looked a little guilty.

"Were you not at the hospital?" He immediately saw through her and voiced his guess.

She chuckled wryly and told him everything about the visit to Janet's parents. When she

was done, he gave her a defeated look. "Why didn't you bring me along?"

"You're busy dealing with the Britts. I can handle a small task on my own." She believed it

was a breezy visit that didn't require Alec's attention. It'd be a waste of his talent


Clearly, Alec was confident in her capabilities, but he was concerned about her safety.

"Bring a few more men along the next time."

"Sure, sure, I'll listen to everything you say." She didn't want to argue with him. After all, it

wasn't hard to bring more reinforcements if that would assuage him.

The chef got dinner ready in no time. Since Alec had too much work to juggle, he hired a

chef because he had no time to cook. He and Jenny were satisfied with the chefs skills.

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Post-dinner, Jenny told Alec about Zack's plan to propose to Janet. "I never thought that

Zack would be so romantic." She always took Zack as a nonconforming individual who

hated to toe the line. She believed he might need a few more relationships before meeting

the one, but it turned out she was wrong.

"No one could foresee who they'd fall in love with. Before meeting Janet, he might have

thought of himself as the rule-breaker. But when he meets the one, he refuses to waste

time and wants to marry her right away. He must want to keep her to himself." Alec

seemed to understand Zack's action because he felt the same when he first fell in love

with Jenny. Unfortunately, he didn't have a chance to make it a reality. Janet was different

from Jenny, after all. Janet might agree to Zack's proposal, but Jenny would not have said

yes easily.

Jenny glanced at him and chuckled. "You're quite perceptive, aren't you? People might

think you're a Casanova."

"No, I'm no Casanova. I simply feel for Zack," he answered.