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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 1295
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Chapter 1295 I Had Sand in My Eyes

While Jenny, Melissa, and their bodyguards were on their way to Janet's parents, Janet had

just ended a conversation with them. Her eyes were red and glistening as she panted,

clearly just emerging from a fight. How could she not fight with them? They had the

audacity to say that they wanted to come to Bardoff City for Zack and that they wanted

him to be their meal ticket forever.

At that instance, her only thought was to die and bring her parents along. She wondered

why God had to make her suffer. Why was it so tough to stay with a man she loved?

"Janet?* Zack came searching for her when she didn't return to his room for a long time.

He was worried after finding her alone in the corridor.

Hearing his voice, she hurriedly wiped away her tears. "Why did you leave the room? I'll

be there right away."

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He didn't see her crying, but he sensed that something was wrong from her reddened

eyes. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I had sand in my eyes." She smiled as not to worry him.

The more she pretended she was okay, the more worried he became.

Sighing, he went up to her and pulled her into a hug. "Don't worry. Jenny will deal with

your parents."

"Yeah." She wanted to tell him that no one could solve the issue and no one could help.

But she kept the thoughts private because she didn't want to worry him.

They returned to his room, and she sat by his bed. He poured her a glass of water. "Here,

drink up."

She was taken aback, followed by embarrassment. "Look at me, making the patient pour

me water."

"It's not a big deal. I'm almost recovered." Zack felt completely fine. If the doctor hadn't

forced him to stay for a few more days, he would have left the hospital right away.

She sipped on the water, messy thoughts crowding her mind. He was nervous because he

had no idea what was in her mind. His hand was sweating as he held a diamond ring

tightly, the one he had requested someone to quietly deliver yesterday.

"Janet, have you ever thought about your life in the future?" he asked, attempting to

divert her attention.

She fell into silence. It took her a while to answer, "I guess I'll be like the average woman,

living my ordinary but remarkable life with a husband who loves me and two cute kids."

That was her dream. Zack was touched by her description, for it was the life he looked

forward to as well. ‘Janet, if... if I'd like to build that life with you, will you..." he stammered

nervously and found himself at a loss for words. However, he had one knee on the ground

as he showed her the ring.

"You..." She was stunned.

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"Will you marry me?" He finally found his voice after a while.

She was jolted back to reality—this was a marriage proposal. It wasn't anything grand, and

they didn't even have a third party to be a witness, but she believed he wasn't joking.

Staring at the man with one knee on the ground, she sensed the sincerity in his eyes that

came with a mix of nervousness. She wanted to say yes, but she was reminded of Gilbert's

doubt and her parents' announcement of coming to Bardoff City for Zack. She hesitated.

If she agreed to marry him, her parents would think that they were in the right to meet

Zack. They might even pester her for her entire life.

"Janet, will you marry me?" His heart almost leaped out of his mouth as he waited for an

overdue answer. He was confident that she'd say yes because they got along well when

they were dating, and they were ready for marriage. However, her silence crushed his
