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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 110
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Chapter 110 No Wonder She Didn’t Fall For You

“I hope you don’t mind.” Jenny took out the mid-sized gift she had prepared, which appeared rather

average at first glance. Zachary didn’t ask Warren to accept it nor take it himself. Instead, he shot a look.

at Alec. “Why are you still standing there? Get over now. Don’t leave her holding on to that box.”

Everyone’s jaw dropped to the floor, and Jenny was dumbfounded. Alec thought his grandpa didn’t have

to be this obvious in matchmaking. He walked up to Jenny, took the gift box, and whispered, “Thank


“Why thank me? This is for Grandpa, not for you,” Jenny said to him without a care about his feelings.

Het didn’t mind it too, because he was accustomed to her slight.

Zachary opened the box without hesitation when it was handed to him. There was a lapis lazuli stone in

the box, to everyone’s shock.

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Someone started gossiping, “Did she not have enough money for a better gift? Is that why she bought

that old thing?”

“I don’t think so! She’s Mr. Birkett’s last mentee, after all.”

“Well, mentees are usually poor, aren’t they?”

The guests were waiting for Old Mr. Faust’s outburst and Jenny’s humiliation after she had the nerve to

give him an old lapis lazuli stone. Yvonne thought the same as well. Morgan’s paintbrush was laughable,

but it was at least brand new. She never thought that Jenny would take it up a notch by giving Zachary

an old item that looked like it came from a roadside stall, She could not hold back and chided Jenny,

“Miss Walter, it’s Grandpa’s birthday today. Isn’t it impolite to buy him a second-hand item?”

“Yes. She has no respect for Mr. Faust at all,” someone from the crowd added. She was a friend of

Yvonne who had been secretly annoyed at Jenny.

Jenny glanced at the two women and sighed. Birds of a feather flock together. That was an apt

description for Yvonne and her friends. It was one thing to be ignorant, but stealing the limelight was a

completely classless act.

Jenny’s silence was akin to an admission, which delighted them. Morgan appeared worried that Jenny.

would anger the Fausts, but she suddenly recalled the words of the store staff. In fact, Morgan’s

paintbrush was a gift with purchase, and the minimum purchase limit was ten million. Jenny must have

bought something valuable for Old Mr. Faust. However, Morgan could not be sure if Jenny had bought.

that inkstone on the same day they went gift shopping.

“Alec, Miss Walter’s action…”

“Shut up!” He cut Yvonne off, feeling irritated by her noisiness. She seemed to have lost her manners

after coming home from abroad. Her expression crumbled, but she bit her lips and stayed quiet no matter

how indignant she felt.

Her friends instantly backed her up. “Mr. Faust, was Yvonne wrong? Jenny Walter must have bought that

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gift for your grandfather on purpose.”

“Yeah! I would even think that she is cursing him behind his back. She must’ve bought it with malice.”

The air was tense from all the accusations. If Alec did not condemn Jenny’s gift, everyone would start to

paint him as a bad grandson. His expression soured under the pressure. Even though he did not know

the value of the lapis lazuli stone, he was confident in Jenny’s taste.

With bated breaths, everyone waited for Zachary’s outburst, but the old man was deeply attracted by the

inkstone and ignored the commotion around him. Alec stared helplessly at his grandpa, who was now

obsessing over an inkstone without a care about the situation. He wondered, “Shouldn’t Grandpa speak

up for Dr. Walter at least?”

Feeling Alec’s gaze, Zachary shot his grandson a displeased look. “Look, you can’t even protect your

woman. That’s why Jenny didn’t fall for you.”

His words dropped a bomb on Yvonne and the rest of the guests. Jenny was left speechless as well.