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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 109
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Chapter 109 What Was Going On?

Jenny’s expression hardened as her eyes scanned the two guests who had gossiped about the

Goldings.. Before she could speak, she heard Old Mr. Faust scoffing. He reprimanded them, “Everyone

here is my guest. I appreciate their presence at my birthday event regardless of their background. To me,

they are. equal. If I hear someone speak ill of the others again, I will not play nice!”

In that instant, a hush fell over the hall. No one dared to say another word. Yvonne stood forward to

lighten the atmosphere. “Grandpa, why don’t you check out Miss Golding’s gift? She must have put in a

lot of effort to pick it.”

When Zachary turned his eyes on her, she hurriedly explained, “I ran into her when I was picking your

gift! A friend of Miss Golding said she knew what you’d like. And I’m pretty curious about that.” Then, she

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looked at Jenny. “Miss Walter, isn’t that true? You claimed that you knew what Grandpa would like.”

Jenny was forced to step forward. She smiled and ignored Yvonne’s provocation. “We’ll know when he

opens the gift.”

Zachary was surprised by the revelation and cast a gentle look at Jenny. “Did you help the Goldings to

pick a gift?”

“Yes,” She nodded. Now, even Morgan’s parents were anxious. If Zachary disliked Morgan’s gift, not only

would their family fail to pleasure him, they might even offend him.

“I do have to take a look.” Zachary reached out to get the gift from Warren. When he opened the box,

everyone leaned in to look at the item inside. They started guffawing and howling when they found out

that Morgan had bought Old Mr. Faust a paintbrush.

“It’s a paintbrush. How… special.” Yvonne held back her laughter and gave a sarcastic remark dressed

as a compliment. Zachary slowly took out the paintbrush and examined it on his palm. He looked at

Jenny. Did you get this from Mr. Lawson?”

“Yes.” Jenny nodded. He flashed Morgan a smile and nodded approvingly. “Great. And you are Morgan

Golding. Is that right?”

“I am.” Morgan nodded, but she was nervous.

“I love your gift. It’s the best gift I have received so far,” he praised her. Before Morgan could even react.

to that, he looked at Alec and reminded him, “Do keep in touch with the Goldings. We need to show them

our appreciation after they gave us such a nice gift.”

“Sure.” Alec nodded. Meanwhile, all the guests were shocked beyond words. What was going on? They

couldn’t understand why a paintbrush ended up as Old Mr. Faust’s favorite gift instead of the expensive

amethyst figurine from Yvonne Dickman.

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More shocking was Old Mr. Faust’s attitude, who, after retiring from business, proactively requested for

the first time that Alec gets in touch with the Goldings. Everyone understood what that meant.

Now, the guests had a different opinion of the Goldings, for they understood that the family would soar to

greater heights after tonight’s event.

Yvonne was similarly taken aback. She could not fathom why Old Mr. Faust would prefer the paintbrush

that was levels below her amethyst figurine.

When Zachary put away the paintbrush, he smiled at Jenny. “Jenny, you got me excited about your gift.”

If she had made a great choice on behalf of the Goldings, she must have selected something better as

her gift to Zachary, which raised his anticipation.

The guests were perplexed by how Old Mr. Faust addressed Jenny. They wondered if the two were

close. Yvonne also gave Alec a baffled look. She felt that she had missed out on some details. What was

the problem?