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The Woman From Hell

Chapter 58
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Chapter 58 After that, Xander kept his hands by his sides sulkily and turned to casually look a t Theo. “President Grant, you and Ms. Lane make a beautiful-looking pair. People who don’t know better, like my mother, would think the two of you were married! She also said she’d like to have a meal sometin the future with the ‘M 1. and Mrs.

Grant'!” Even though | knew Xander had said that on purpose, it did not stop resentment from building up in my heart.

My hands trembled slightly | stole a glance at Theo and saw that the two deep pools of his cyes were emotionless. He replied faintly, “Please helpsend my regards to President. White and tell her that | will visit her From Theo's side, Cindy enthusiastically chimed in. “President White? Is she the designer you mentioned earlier who was famous worldwide? | thought she was expanding her empire overseas?” Wis Lane knows of my mother too? Yes, she usually spends all her toverseas, but since Salt City is her hometown, she’s been resting at hsince she hasn't felt so well recently.” I was shocked. Petra White was Xander’s mother? Anyone in the fashion world or the entertainment world would be familiar with that name.

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She was the most famous fashion designer to cout of Veektorla’s Secret Shows, with more than ten personal fashion shows under her belt. Many international models prided themselves on the opportunity to walk in her shows. Sfemale artists had even paid her a handssum to design their clothes.

No one would have expected such a gleaming star to have originated from Salt City, nor would they have expected Xander Nietzsche to be her son.

In that case, why was be in the entertainment industry? Petra White was the second wealthiest woman in the entire world! The world of the wealthy was full of unsolvable riddles Cindy, who had initially been in a foul mood, was suddenly enthusiastically chatting with Xander.

| was slightly irritated by their conversation. | would have got up and left if not for Xander being in my way.

Lucky for me, the waiters then arrived with our food.

Theo of course took Cindy's food to pass t o her. His display of gentlemanliness towards her was impossible to ignore.

Wandy, their prawns are amazing! I'll peel them for you.” Xander saw what | had seen, and just as quickly, he was taking my food forand peeling my prawns too.

Theo's expression darkened. He took a ladle to pour Cindy a bow! of soup.

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| said to Xander, “I can do it myself.” As if he had not heard me, Xander placed a peeled prawn in my bowl! before turning Theo, “Ms. Reed's really like appiu your eye, President Grant, for you to be taking such great care of her.” Cindy had a sweet smile on her face, looking like she had enjoyed the compliment. Theo looked straight at me.

| lowered my head, feigning ignorance about everything that was happening aroundAs long as | did not take it to heart, it would not hurt me! | was about to eat the prawn that Xander had peeled forwhen an uncomfortable sensation seized up my abdomen. | instinctively covered my mouth and gestured for Xander to letleave Xander realized that | was about to throw up and got up immediately. He commented, “You've only had a bit of food, and you're already throwing up. Are you pregnant?” He might not have meant it seriously and merely wanted to make a flippant joke, but | got so spooked that | broke out into a cold sweat, the wetness drenching my 1. k. I could not care less about how | looked as | ran to the washroom to relieve myself. | felt better after puking, but the feeling dissipated when | saw Theo standing at the door, looking coldly at me, “Erm... Don’t listen to his nonsense. I'm just having sdigestive issues... | panicked a little as | frantically tried to explain myself.

You've already done enough, Wanda Lane. Chwithnow,” His tone was demanding and standoffish.

It was essentially an order. 1 | did not know what he meant by that, so as | brushed past him, | said softly, “I don’t need you barging into my business.” Don’t you forget that you're still my lawfully wedded wife.” He reached out and grabbedtightly around the wrist, exerting so much force my wrist began to hurt.

| was slightly annoyed. | lifted my frosty gaze and remarked, “I thought | suggested that we let each other go.

Have you considered my suggestion?” Mea’s cyes suddenly becsharp and ferocious. “Wanda Lane, do you have to act like this?” “Yes, | have to.” | scoffed. “You've given all your love and attention to someone else since we got married, while you leftto beg for your mercy at hlike a sad puppy. I'm done with living life like this.” Theo's expression was stormy. Then, a razor-sharp curve appeared by the edge o f his lips. | knew he was angry, but | had spéken nothing but the truth, albeit it more bluntly than would have been expected.

What's all this about?” he asked abruptly, his tone laced with exasperation.