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The Woman From Hell

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53 | thought | could bear it, but now I realized | really couldn’t. Sering him madesick. Every the spoke, the scenes from the recording replayed in my mind. | just couldn't take it anymore.

“Open the door firsi. Let's talk.” He remained adamant and continued to knock on the door from outside. His voice was colder than before.

“I don’t want to talk to you, and | sure as hell don’t want to hear your voice. Please stay away from me, okay?” | wasn't completely out of energy. | crouched in the corner with my head in my hands and let the water pour off my head..

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Wanda, there's a limit to my patience,” he said through gritted teeth.

| was on the verge of breaking down.” There's a limit to my patience as well!” | yelled. “I told you to leave! Don’t you understand human language?” He said nothing further, but there was a loud crash from the door.

He managed to break the lock to the door with his body, and the door opened with a bang. He walked in with a cold and gloomy face When he sawall curled up helplessly i n the corner, there was nothing but disgust and fear in my eyes.

His angry black eyes slowly dissipated as he stood there staring at me.

After a long while, he let out an almost inaudible sigh and turned off the shower. He found a dry towel and squatted down beside me. He was tall, and squatting like this gavea sense of coercion.

He wanted to wipe the water off my face with a towel.

Instinctively, | quickly backed away, pulling myself even further away from him and shouting, “Stay away from me!” His hand, which was holding the towel, froze in mid-air. A cold and sharp aura flashed past his black eyes before it faded away. He asked in a deep voice, “What | silently cried and buried my head in my hands. | suppressed the pain in my heart and said, “Theo, let's get a divorcel We'll go through the procedures tomorrow. | really can’t stay in the sspace as you anymore.” His face, which had softened a little, instantly turned angry. He stood up, threw the towel on the sink, and looked down at me. “Have you gone mad?” “I'm very certain and | know what I’m talking about.” Finally, | calmed down and looked at him. “I've always been wrong. | shouldn't have tried to win your heart. We shouldn't have...” He wrenchedout of the bathroom before I could finish my sentence. He Euckedunder the covers and covered my body with the covers again.

After a long time, when he saw that my expression had finally eased and that my body was no longer trembling, he dragged a chair over and sat in front of m e. He stared atfor a long tbefore saying, “What exactly happened At this moment, he was very calm and his voice was gentle and patient.

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My cyes reddened. He must have used up all his patience today! | said, “Theo, there is no love between us, right? He was calm with his serious gaze, “What is love? “Just like how you treat Cindy. Love is you being gentle, considerate, obedient, and willing to do anything for her’, | thought i O myself. However, | didn’t say it out loud. | only said, “Love is truly understanding someone.

Only when you love someone enough will you understand them.” “So, you're complaining that | don’t understand you. Is this why you want a divorce?” He narrowed his eyes and looked athelplessly, as if | was being unreasonable.

My heart ached and | choked, “Yes, | thought that as long as | worked hard enough, you would understand me.

But Theo, | have walked 99 steps, but I still did not have an ounce of your concern, let not have an ounce of your concern, let alone any understanding.” | paused and continued, “I don’t want to take any more steps. So, from now on, I've decided not to love you anymore.

| want to give up on you and let myself g During this time, he treatedso well that | almost lost myself. Sometimes, | even deliberately forgot about Cindy's existence.

However, what happened tonight was like a blow to my head that wokeup again. It toldthat no matter how hard | tried, | was still nothing to Theo.