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The Woman From Hell

Chapter 41
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Chapter 41 | was shocked and quickly turned on the light. It was Theo. Dressed in black, he was seated quietly by the bed, looking atwithout any expression on his face.

Why did this man always like to scareby sitting on the edge of the bed like this? | patted my chest, feeling relieved, “You scared me.” “You did not do anything wrong. What is there to be afraid of?” He said calmly.

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“People could really scare other people to death, don’t you know that?” | rolled my eyes at him and sat up straight.

I had just woke up with sleepy eyes, and my hair messy. | had not changed out of my mightgown yet. I rarely appeared like this in front of Theo, so | felt a little uncomfortable and quickly got up to change His eyes never left me, | looked down and realized that two of the buttons on my nightgown had ch!” | cried out in alarm. | covered my chest with both hands and hastily fastened the buttons.

*Did the doctor say how many days you will have to wait? The suddenly asked.

| did not understand his words at first. For a mortent, | did not know how to respond However, he did not wait for my answer before making a move on 4. 4. Theo, no... The doctor said i can get any infection.” | was so anxious that | cried and begged. “We have to wait for a month. Otherwise, it will be difficult for in e to get pregnant again!” He got up and heldtightly in his arms. His moist lips gently kissed my forehead, and his breathing gradually beccalm.

Half an hour later, he retumad to his usual coldness. He let go of me, stood up, Straightened his clothes, and said calmly, | felt a little awkward because my stomach had been so uneisy earlier. | nodded and smiled unnaturally. “A little.” voice, “Please do not tellyou have not eaten all day?” “Mostly because | had no appetite.” | did not want to tell him that | did not want to cook because of the strong cooking smells in the kitchen.

He lowered his eyes, and the corners of his mouth turned upward slightly. He looked like he was smiling, but also as if h e was helpless. Then, he turned around and left | got up to and put on my clothes. It was too dangerous to wear the nightgown to sleep. | decided that | would never wear it By the t| had finished cleaning up and went downstairs, Theo had already prepared a bowl! o g noodles and placed it on the table.

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| froze. Did Theo cook foragain? “Hurry up and cat.” He called oui wlinli e saw | did not move. His ice was commanding as always, but it did not sound as cold as it had before.

| could not help but remember Mason‘s words. If | confessed to Theo, he would letand my child live a peaceful life. He seemed to have givena glimpse of that life today.

I walked over and sat down at the table. | looked down at the bowl of noodles. It had a nice color, but there was just a little too much oil.

He rarely cooked, so it was good enough that he could make the noodles look this delicious. Unfortunately, | was put off by the amount of oil and could not eat it.

| felt terrible for having no appetite to eat both of his cooked meals, so | picked up a fork and was ready to force myself to eat.

As the noodles entered my mouth, mily stomach felt sick with the greasy noodles.