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The Woman From Hell

Chapter 39
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Chapter 39 | had no choice but to put ssoup in m y mouth. Before I could drinks it, the fishy stench made my stomach churn. I quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up.

“Why are you still throwing up?” He looked atsuspiciously.

“It's probably because | drank yesterday. Plus, I'm not used to the smell of mullets since | was young, So...” | explained with guilt in the tone of my voice.

His body stiffened up: perhaps recalling last night's incident.

| thought about how this was the first tTheo had cooked for me, so | closed my eyes and forced myself to drink up the fishsoup.

“You do not have to drink it if you do not want to. | will make another one for you.” He reached out to tale the soup bowl and pour the pot of soup into the sink “I am sorry.” | felt guilty as | knew that hi e had meant well “It is my fault. I did not know you did not like fish soup.” His face was placid. His voice was flat and apologetic.

| had an indescribable feeling in my heart. After what happened yesterday and today, he didn’t seem as cold as he used to be.

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He went back into the kitchen and made a bow! of porridge. “Your stomach is probably feeling uncomfortable after yesterday‘s drinking,” he said softly. “Eat this.” He then looked atand said indifferently, “You can rest at htoday. | will take care of the company. You have caused the company to lose a lot of money. Think about how you can make up for it!” LAT He turned around and left after speaking.

His attitude towardhad indeed changed. When did it start to change? Was it after he found out that | was pregnanto rafter | aborted the child? | was lost in my thoughts, even when Mason arrived.

and frowned. “The child is growing You should eat something nutritious or the baby's development will be affected.” It was only then that | cback to my senses and got up quickly. “Doctor Lynch, you're here.” He showed a bag of medicine in his hand and siid, “I am here to deliver sherbal medicine. You cannot take pills for now. You must remember to drink this herbal medicine. Please do not drink any more alcohol in the future. It will affect the fetus.” Thank you.” | took the herbal medicine and thanked him sincerely.

“You will not be able to leave anytsoon in your current state. You should cby the hospital another day.

After giving his instructions, he got up to leave. Just as he reached for the door, he paused and turned to me.

“You should let Theo know. He likes children, so he will not make things difficult for you.” | understood what Mason meant. That night, | vaguely heard him say, “I have to sacrifice one.” If Theo wanted to keep the child and me, he would have to sacrifice Cindy Although | was not very clear about the relationship between Cindy and Theo, | knew that he not only loved her but was responsible for her.

| looked at Mason and said softly, “He would not leave Miss Reed.” “If you love him, then you have to trust him. Trust him to have a way to balance this kind of relationship while keeping you and your child safe.” After saying that, he opened the door and left before I could respond How could Theo balance it? By letting us stay in the villa as usual and leave us whenever Cindy calls for him? | can tolerate those days by myself. | do not want my child to suffer.

He had no love left for me. In the past, Grandmother had forced him to accept mi e. He had to live withfor three years. If | had used the baby to threaten him again, | could probably stay. But how long would this last? Perhaps he would give in initially, but as tpassed, he would get tired of it.

| lowered my head and touched my belly. | would raise this child alone and | would give him a bright and tealthy environment Leaving The would be the wisest choice! The food had turned colc. and despite my lack of appetite, | ate it al.

| was exhausted. | did not want to move after dinner, so | lay on the couch and read. | was a little surprised when the doorbell rang Who would cto visit m e at this hour? | stood up and looked out through the peephole. It was Cindy standing outside the door in a white dress.

Naturally, humans were greedy. Ever since | felt that Theo's attitude towardhad changed for the better, | subconsciously wanted more of it.

Right after | had sent the message, Thea called.

| went back to the couch and laid down before answering the phone. A whirlwind of emotions stirred in my heart.

Where are you?” His voice was low and soft as if he were in a meeting, Inside the house.” | whispered.

Do not open the door. Just go upstairs and have a good sleep.” His voice was very soft and gentle My heart skipped a beat. “Okay!” After hanging up, | ignored Cindy, who was still shouting outside, and headed upstairs.

| noticed the study room door was left open when | passed the room. Theo had explicitly forbiddenfrom entering his study and bedroom. I rarely had the chance to enter.

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His study was indeed a place of study. There were several shelves, all filled with books. | casually flipped through a few of them. They were all reference books, and | could not understand them at all.

Out of boredom, | looked around the bookshelf. An old little box on the corner shelf caught my attention | opened it out of curiosity and saw a photo album inside. It was filled with photos of Theo when he was young There was a picture of a couple carrying a little boy on the front page. The eyes and eyebrows of the boy were very similar to Theo's, and the woman'‘s smile was very sweet. With one look, anyone could tell that she was beautiful and gentle. The little boy was strong and smart-looking, smiling very happily.

It seemed to be a picture of Theo and his parents. He was really cute when he was young | could not help but touch his tender face. If | had given birth to a son, h e would look like this.

Somewhat pizzled by that sight, | continued flipping through the pages. There were numerous pictures of Theo and his parents, along with a young girl standing next to theil 1 Grandma said once that The's parents only had one son. The uncle had a daughter, but her age was very far apart from Theo's. Surely, she was not the one i n the photo and looked like she was only one or two years younger than the.

Who was the young lady in the photo? Seeing how close they were, they must be close relatives or something. | did not think too much about it and continued flipping through the photos, The photos were arranged by age. After the baby photos, it was when Theo went t o school. Apart from himself, Grandmother, Mason, and Zedd would occasionally appear in sof the pictures too. His parents would have passed away by then Further down the album, it was probably during middle school when Cindy appeared in the pictures, Their appearances had not changed much. They had well-chiselled features since young and were still very recognizable. Now, they had shed the immaturity of their youth and becmore mature.

Many photos showed that Cindy grew up under their care.

She was really happy! After looking at the photos, I felt a little depressed. No wonder Theo's brothers dislikedso much. Even Cindy hated m e. | was like an invader who suddenly barged into their territory and broke up their relationship That year, if my mother had not met with an accident and askedto look for Grandmother before she passed on, | would not have encountered the Grant family for the rest of my life.

For a long time, | had never wondered how my mother knew Grandmother. A village woman like my mother could not have any interactions with a family like the Grant family, 1 The strange thing was that after Grandmother read my mother’s letter, not only did she takein, she even forced Theo to marry It was understandable that the Grant family would hate me.

There was no point thinking about the past now. | could not figure it out even if | wanted to. | sighed and got up to leave the study | felt dizzy and weak, so | went to sleep.

| slept soundly through the night.

When | opened my eyes, | saw a tall and imposing figure beside my bed.