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The Useless Miracle Doctor Consort Is Spoiled Rotten by the Prince!

Chapter 630 - 630: Noble Consort Xiao Is Angry
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Chapter 630: Noble Consort Xiao Is Angry

Translator: Nyoi-Bo StuEditor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Explain clearly tofirst!”

Chu Yihan felt an inexplicable surge of anger in his chest.

He wasn’t a petty person. Su Yingxue had male patients before, but seeing her being intimate with this man made him furious. Tʜe source of this ᴄontent ɪs ɴovᴇl(ꜰ)ir(e).nᴇt

“Your Highness, saving him is more important. He is my…”

“What’s going on?” The Empress barged in suddenly, followed by her attendants.

Noble Consort Xiao was shocked to see Xiao Yu lying in a pool of blood. “Yu’er! What happened?”

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She rushed forward to help Xiao Yu, who was covered in blood and barely breathing. “Su Yingxue, what happened here?”

There were only three of them present. Xiao Yu’s injuries couldn’t have been caused by anyone else.

“Noble Consort, lettreat Young Master Xiao first!”

Su Yingxue struggled to break free from Chu Yihan, but Chu Yihan stubbornly grabbed her. In a moment of desperation, Su Yingxue could only bite Chu Yihan hard.

Chu Yihan was caught off guard and let go.

Su Yingxue hurried to Xiao Yu’s side and continued acupuncture. After three needles, Xiao Yu’s breathing stabilized, and he was pulled back from the brink of death. Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -

“Quick, help Young Master Xiao up and take him somewhere safe,” Su Yingxue instructed.

Granny Song brought a stretcher, and Xiao Yu was carefully placed on it and carried away.

Noble Consort Xiao was seething with anger. “Su Yingxue, why did Yu’er clooking for you in this state?”

If it was any other elder, even if they had favored Su Yingxue and trusted her with Xiao Yu, they would not be nice to Su Yingxue after seeing their nephew in such a state.

Of course, Su Yingxue couldn’t let Noble Consort Xiao and Chu Yihan have any conflicts. She said, “Please forgive me, Noble Consort. I was careless when I was treating Young Master Xiao.”

“Is that so?” Noble Consort Xiao snorted.

Don’t think that she couldn’t tell that this was Chu Yihan’s doing!

If Su Yingxue could shatter a wheelchair while treating her son, she would spell her nbackward!

Chu Yihan’s eyes turned cold. “You don’t have to take the blame. It was my doing. If Noble Consort wants to settle the score, she can cto me.”

Noble Consort Xiao laughed bitterly. “Your Highness, you’re quite something!”

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Was this bullying the Xiao family?

“Your Highness, it’s not what you think. 1 was simply treating Young Master Xiao. He was just worried aboutand cout to find me!” Su Yingxue’s hangover was wearing off, and she was finally waking up.

Su Yingxue’s explanation eased Chu Yihan’s anger. However, Chu Chengye said, “Indeed, Imperial Uncle didn’t see it. Young Master Xiao is very concerned about Yingxue. Despite being in a wheelchair, he still hurried out to find her.” Su Yingxue couldn’t help but retort, “Seventh Prince, are you out of your mind? What nonsense are you spouting?”

Why would Xiao Yu cout because he was worried about her?

“Speaking of which, 1 can see that Young Master Xiao treats Miss Su differently! I heard that Young Master Xiao has a cold demeanor and has yet to marry. He’s indifferent to women, but he seems fond of Miss Su!” The empress smiled knowingly.

The empress covered her mouth and smiled. As she spoke, she seemed to have thought of something. “By the way, didn’t Miss Su stop Young Master Xiao from drinking, leading to him coming out for sfresh air because of the alcohol? Could it be that our sudden appearance has ruined your mood?”

The Empress’s sudden look of realization made it difficult not to interpret things the wrong way.

Su Yingxue clenched her teeth in frustration.. “Empress, you seem to have quite the imagination!”