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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 78
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 78

Book 2-My f*******n Step-Brother/ Chapter 1

Reputation was everything to my family. The family that adopted me. And that is why they must never

find out that the man in my heart is none other than my step-brother Damon Fawn.

His piercing blue eyes have always been able to see straight through me. He has always been able to

read me like a book; there’s just one little detail that he’s never been able to read to this day. And that

was how deeply I was in love with him.

I’ve been in love with him since my first day at the academy as the adopted daughter of the Fawns. I

was bullied because I was not their real daughter, but Damon came to my rescue that day, and since

then, he’s been my hero. My love.

I’d never felt this way for anyone but him, and I knew nothing could change that.

The Fawns were involved in a big scandal at the academy and used me as an opportunity to move

everyone’s attention from it. Luckily for them, their plan did work. Everyone forgot about the scandal as

soon as the news of my arrival broke.

I wasn’t happy to join their family, that is, until I saw him. He made everything better. He was my

sunshine—a bright light in my life. I was happy just being by his side until that devastating day. It was

the day I found out that Damon had found his mate. I was heartbroken to see him with her. I still

remember how betrayed I’d felt even though he didn’t owe me an explanation. I should have been

happy for him, but I was anything but that. It wasn’t long after that I found out Atticus and Dante were

also her mates. My other two step-brothers had the same mate as him. How crazy was that?

All of that changed a few years later.

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Atticus married and fell in love with his wife, Autumn Rivera, leaving Dante and Damon fighting for

Anya’s love. Even though one of my step-brothers had been freed from her trap, it was still t*****e to

see the others continue to fight for her. She played with their feelings constantly. I saw it. I think Autumn

did as well. I was happy that she was able to take Atticus away from Anya; I’ve never seen him happier

with anyone else. They were destined for each other.

But this isn’t about them. This is about me and the way my heart beats for a man that could never be

mine. If my family ever found out, I would be banished from home; there is no question about that.

They would not hesitate to kick me out. I’ve spent years with them, and I knew they loved me, but they

also loved their reputation more than anything else.

If any reporter were even to have the slightest evidence that I was in love with Damon, that would

destroy everything. I could already see the headlines: ‘Clarissa Fawn in love with her step-brother

Damon.’ Knowing how much they enjoyed twisting stories, I’m sure they wouldn’t even use the term

step-brother; they would indeed say, brother.

I duck my head as I walk through the hallway of our school—the Angelites Academy For Supernaturals.

I try to keep a low profile as much as possible. Since I was the only adopted child of the Fawns,

students loved to bully me even after my stepbrothers warned everyone to leave me alone. Damon

always came to my rescue, and many were scared to bully me, but there were still a few who didn’t

care. They tried to make my life miserable even though Damon had threatened to hurt anyone who

dared to lay a finger on me.

I try not to melt at the reminder of his heroic acts whenever I am in danger. This was one of the many

reasons why I’d fallen so hard for him. No one had ever protected me the way he had. And even

though my other step-siblings were protective of me, none of them did it the way that he did. He was

different. Everything about him was. Damon got aggressive whenever I was concerned; he would

gladly kill anyone that tried to hurt me. He was always looking out for me and making sure that I was

safe and happy.

I think Anya may have always sensed how much I liked him. And for that, she was never fond of me.

She tried to keep as much distance between us as possible. But how much could she separate us

when we lived in the same house? I tried my best to keep space between us ever since I realized I was

in love with him and we could never be together. However, it hasn’t been easy to ignore someone like


“Clarissa!” Atticus shouts as he spots me. I look up at him, searching for Damon; I know he’s usually

beside him, along with Dante. I’m disappointed when I don’t see him anywhere.

“Wow,” Atticus says. “I’m guessing I’m not the brother you wanted to see.”

I roll my eyes, “you’re reading too much into it. Where is Autumn?”

Atticus always teased me about Damon being my favorite but so did the others.

“She’s already in class.” He informs me. “Speaking about class. Shouldn’t you already be in yours?”

“You’re acting as if you’ve never reached a class late before.” I point out.

He chuckles, “you caught me there.”

I notice the way his body stiffens, and I know why. Anya is walking towards us with Dante and Damon

by her side. Things were still awkward, especially since Atticus rejected Anya to be with Autumn. She

wanted him desperately, but he pushed her away so that he could be with his wife. I’ve never been

more proud of Atticus.

I try not to act bothered by Damon’s presence, but I can’t stop myself as my lips part the moment his

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scent hits my nose. He always smells heavenly. A fragrance that only he had. No one else.

“Are you keeping Clarissa back from her class again?” Damon growls. I try not to shiver in front of

everyone. Even his voice has a strong effect on my body. And I f*****g love it when he growls. It makes

my knees weak. I can barely stand on them now that I’ve heard it.

“I swear you need to stop being so overprotective when it comes to her,” Atticus complains. “She has

her own life to live. She’s allowed to reach late to a class.”

I try to hold in my laugh. Wasn’t Atticus the same one complaining earlier because I was late to class?

“She’s a big girl.” Anya points out. “She doesn’t need her brothers telling her when to get to class. She

can tell the time on her own.”

I notice the way she says the word brothers. She’s reminding me of what Damon was supposed to be

to me; my brother.

She’s so wrong. We weren’t blood-related, and it wasn’t like I’d grown up with him. I’ve only known

them for a few years and it was enough for me to fall deeply in love with him.

And I hate her for having him. I hate her.

But I love him.

Why is this so complicated?

I didn’t trust Anya after everything that’s happened in the past, but I couldn’t deny that she’s been nicer

to all of us the past few days.

According to the witch that tried killing all of us, Anya had been under her spell the whole time.

Apparently, that’s why she was acting like a b***h. I was still trying to find out if that was the truth or a


Only time will be able to tell.