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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 43
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 43


Damon tried to comfort me for the entire ride home. Or at least to the home he thinks belonged to me.

It was a rented apartment; I wasn’t actually living there. There were many secrets that I was keeping

from him and his family. And it would stay that way until my identity was finally revealed to them.

“Atticus is just angry; he doesn’t mean what he said.” He tries to soothe me. I knew it was a lie. I knew

when someone was serious and when they’d said something out of anger.

His words had f*****g stung. I cared about him enough to prevent my mother from harming him and yet

he was threatening to stop me from coming to his home. All of this was because of Autumn, he was

never that disrespectful to me in the past. The past Atticus would destroy anyone who ever tried to

speak that way to me.

I knew he saw the hurt in my face, but for the first time, Atticus didn’t look like he cared that he’d hurt

me. The only person he cared about at that moment was Autumn. Maybe seeing her cry had opened

up his caring nature towards her.

“Please say something.”

I sigh, “I’m tired, Damon. We can talk about this another time.”

Or how about never? I didn’t want ever to be reminded of tonight; I wanted to forget every word Atticus

had said to me today. Though, I don’t think I would ever be able to forget everything he’s said. Those

words still hurt. Even now when I was far from him.

Autumn wasn’t there to see Atticus stand up for her, and that was the only positive thing about tonight.

If she had been there to listen to the way he spoke to me, I would have felt worse than I did right now.

When I saw her leaving, I was happy to see her crying. I was sure that Atticus had been mean to her. I

had a lot to say when he woke up, and the first person he asked for was her. I didn’t hesitate to tell him

that she’d been gone for a long time, supposedly getting clothes for him from the house. I thought

everyone would finally see that he should have married me, not Autumn. Somehow she’d managed to

flip it in her favor. Now everyone thinks of her as the heroine for protecting Atticus.

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But it still bothered me that I had no idea why she’d left crying. What had happened between the two of

them? I’d never seen Atticus fiercely protect her before as he did after she left the room. Whatever it

was, it had drawn him closer to her instead of further away. I’d been fooled into thinking her tears were

unhappy ones. Maybe she wanted me to think that way to get the upper hand. Autumn was a lot

smarter than I initially thought she was.

After saying goodbye to Damon, I made my way to my actual home, which was a few minutes away.

My mother is already waiting for me in the living room. From the expression on her face, I can tell she

already knows what happened. She always keeps a close watch on the Fawns. I wasn’t her only spy.

She liked to be a step in front of them. She wanted to know their every move. She knew more about

each of them than they knew about themselves.

“I’ve completely lost control of him,” I confess to my mother. I thought I would have had more power

and hold over him, but I was wrong. Autumn has already taken complete control. She’d managed to

beat me at my own game without even trying. “I don’t think he will listen to anything I have to say

anymore. Autumn is the one that can get him to do whatever she wants now. I’ve lost that privilege.”

I’m not sure when Atticus changed, but he’s not the same person anymore.

It meant that I couldn’t protect Atticus from my mother as I’d done in the past. She would take revenge

into her own hands now. I’ve been preventing her from doing anything drastic to separate them, but

after what happened today, there was nothing I could do anymore. She wouldn’t want to wait either.

The Fawns had plenty coming their way and very soon.

“I should have never listened to you.” She snaps. “You told me to trust you. You promised me that you

would be able to get Atticus back under your control. You’ve failed me yet again. I should have known if

I wanted to get the job done, I’d have to do it myself. What’s the point of having a useless daughter like


“I thought he loved me.” I snap. “I thought he would still listen to me and take my side over hers. I didn’t

think that I needed a spell or any other means. I was positive that he actually cared.”

I always thought that once my mother removed the spell she had on Atticus, he would still have

feelings for me.

She laughs, “The only reason Atticus showed any interest in you was because of my spell. Now that

he’s in love with Autumn, the spell means nothing; it doesn’t exist anymore.”

I take a deep breath. Hearing her say that he only showed interest in me because of the spell made me

angry. I didn’t believe it. I still wanted to believe that deep down Atticus still cared about me.

He was only acting this way because of Autumn and her fake innocence. She was the reason for all of

this. I couldn’t wait for a chance to get back at her for the embarrassment I felt today.

She was the one that left the hospital, but somehow I was the one that Atticus was angry with. I was

standing up for him, yet he insulted me in front of everyone.

“I must find a way to get Atticus away from Autumn.” She tells me. “I may need to hire some friends to

kidnap her.”

Kidnapping her did sound like a great idea. Getting rid of her for good would be even more perfect.

With her out of the picture, I would have a chance with Atticus again, and that’s what I wanted.

“I want you to write down their every move for me. From what time they leave home, what time they

reach the academy, and what time they leave the academy. I’ll need every single detail to make sure

everything is done the right way. I’ll also need you to distract Atticus long enough for it to happen.”

“He told me if I didn’t respect Autumn, he would ensure that I never step foot in their house again,” I


My mother slams her fists onto the wooden table in front of me, “This is your chance to get your

revenge with me.”

Yes, revenge. The one thing that my mother wanted more than anything else in the world.

She was one of the scholarship students for the academy in the same year that Atticus’s parents were

attending. They were in the same class together. My mother was constantly bullied and picked on

because she was a witch.

One person who never bullied and protected her was Atticus’s father. Because of his kindness, she

quickly fell in love with him. She thought that he had feelings for her as well. They started dating and

being closer to each other when one day, he ended things with her and told her that he never wanted to

see her again. She was heartbroken, especially when he got engaged to Atticus’s mother a week later.

She tried to fight for him; she loved him so much that she made a fool of herself in public for him.

She begged him to take her back in front of everyone. Everyone said that the only reason why he was

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ever nice to her was that she’d done a love spell on him. They all believed a spell was responsible for

his behavior before he ended things with her.

In front of everyone, he told her he was only nice to her because of a bet between the men. A bet to

make her fall in love with him and then dump her. He claimed that he never once cared for her.

My mother was devastated. Still, she went to the academy every day and had to see him with his

fiancée. They were very much in love, and it completely destroyed her to see their love for each other.

When they finally got married, my mother was so angry that she vowed to make them pay for what

they’d done to her. Her love had turned into hatred, she’s been planning this even before my sister and

I was born. My sister isn’t aware of what we were up to, she was the more gentle one between the two

of us, and my mother wanted to protect her at all costs since she reminded her of herself. She didn’t

want my sister to face any of her hardships.

The first time she revealed this story to me, I was so angry that I wanted to help her get her revenge on

the Fawns. I was pissed that they’d played such a dirty game and messed with my mother’s innocent

heart just because she was a witch that was not rich like the rest of them. I could still see the pain on

her face every day as she relived those incidents. She was stuck in the past, unable to move on from

the hurt and betrayal she felt.

She was like this while the Fawns lived a lavish lifestyle. They were in love and had their perfect

children. They lived a beautiful life while my mother suffered because of what they’d done to her.

I wasn’t aware of her entire plan, but I knew she wanted to bring them to the ground at her feet; she

wanted them to apologize for what they’d put her through. She wanted to destroy their perfect family

and make them beg for forgiveness. Her plan was very close to finally being fulfilled. I was supposed to

marry Atticus for everything to fall into place. I was supposed to cause a wedge between his family. I

was doing a fine job at it, Atticus and his brothers were losing their bond because of me. They were

always fighting over who should spend more time with me. Everything was working perfectly until that

one fatal day.

Autumn was the only thing that was getting in our plans. She had to go. One way or the other, we had

to get rid of her so our plan would work.