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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 306
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 306 ~SCARLETT~

“What are you doing in my room?” I demanded the second I found my voice again.

I hate how good he looked standing in the middle of my room. The lights were dimmed, but that didn’t hide any of

his masculine features from me. He had on a white shirt that was unbuttoned at the top. I could see his smooth

chest glistening, almost like he’d just come from practice. I could see his sweat, and a part of me wanted to walk

over to him and lick it.

Oh, my goodness. I didn’t just think that.

Tonight wasn’t a full moon, and this time, he looked fully aware of what he was doing. So what was he doing here?

“I had to see you, Scarlett.” He says desperately.

I’m surprised by his words. I hate that my heart even skips a beat. This was exactly why I was trying to stay away

from him. He was a player, and he knew how to make girls fall for him. I was inexperienced with romance. Maybe

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that’s the reason why I was falling for him. I wasn’t prepared to have someone like Carter show interest in me.

“Why?” I demand. “I told you I had nothing left to say to you. Go back to that random woman you kissed after your

game. I’m sure that she will welcome you with open arms.”

He walks over to my bed and leans over me with both hands on the sides of my pillow. “I didn’t want to kiss her. I

did it because that’s what’s expected of me after each game. It’s how the academy makes extra money. Our

school’s main goal is always to make more money. It didn’t earn its title of the richest academy by doing nothing.”

“Thanks for a lecture on our academy. If you’re done, you can leave before someone walks in here and finds you in

my room. I would hate for anyone to get the wrong impression.”

He swallows hard, and I’m drawn to the movement of his throat. Even that seemed seductive to me.

“Tell me, Scarlett,” he whispers. “Is it possible that you have feelings for me?”

My eyes widened, and I could feel my cheeks turning red.

“What’s wrong with you?” I shriek. “I don’t have feelings for you. I will never have feelings for someone like you.

Are you forgetting what you did to my sister? Why would I ever have feelings for someone who hurt Clara?”

I can see that he isn’t convinced. I would never admit that I liked him, at least not to him.

“I can see your n*****s through that thin shirt.” He whispers suddenly.

I gasp and cover them with my hands. “How dare you?”

His eyes darken a shade, “I don’t mean to be an ass Scarlett. It’s just when I’m around you, I can’t help but f*****g

want you. Your scent f*****g drives me insane. Every second of every day, all I could think about was spreading

your legs and sticking my tongue inside you.”

My heart felt like it would explode any second now. If anyone else had said those words to me, I would have kicked

them in their crotch. With Carter, it was different. His words turned me on. His words made me want to beg him to

give me everything he had just said.

“Your words say one thing, but your body says the opposite.” He whispers as he leans into me. “Let me take your

body to places it’s never been Scarlett. Knowing no other man ever had the opportunity to be this close to you

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makes me so f*****g happy.”

I freeze.

“What makes you think that no other man has touched me?” I demand.

He smirks, “You said so from your own mouth, Scarlett. But even if you hadn’t said anything, I would have known

the truth. Everyone from the academy knows you’re untouched.”

“You’re wrong.” I lie. “I have been touched. I lied to you before. You aren’t my first for anything.”

I can see the playfulness leaving his face. He wasn’t in a playful mood any longer. He was pissed. In fact, I don’t

think I’ve ever seen Carter this angry before.

“Did someone else touch you, Scarlett?” He growls. “Tell me the truth. Did someone other than me touch your

breasts? Did someone other than me suck on them?”

My eyes were ready to pop out of my head. How could he ask those questions so casually? When did things become

so intimate between us? Just a few days ago, I was ready to punch him.

He grabs my neck and pulls my face closer to his, “Answer me, Scarlett. Was there another man before me? And if

there was, I want his f*****g name.”