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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 299
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 299 ~CARTER~

I shouldn’t be kissing her. My hands shouldn’t be allowed to touch her body after what happened on the last full

moon. However, I’ll f*****g die tonight if I don’t get a taste of her.

I hated myself for not remembering. I needed this to have at least one memory of having my hand and mouth on

Scarlett’s beautiful body. She wasn’t like everyone else. No one else made me feel the way that she did.

Scarlett moans into my mouth, and I f*****g swear, she’s the sexiest girl I’ve ever had in my arms.

Her scent was the strongest I’ve ever been around. It consumed me and made me want to do things for a woman I

never thought about doing before.

I try my f*****g hardest to keep my hands to my side, but I nearly lose my damn mind when she guides my hands

to her breasts.

I can hardly breathe when I feel how soft they are.

“They’re f*****g perfect,” I growl as I cover her neck with kisses.

She buries her hands in my hair and lets me do as I please.

She’s drunk. I can tell. I know I shouldn’t touch her while she’s in this condition, but I will f*****g die if I stop now.

“Suck on them.”

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I freeze.

I wasn’t sure if I’d heard her correctly. I’ve never paused in the middle of making out with a girl before. I was never

shocked to the point that I couldn’t move. Suddenly, I felt like I had no experience. I felt like I would f*****g mess

this up.

“S-suck on your perfect breasts?” I ask for confirmation.

f**k. I sound like an inexperienced nerd.

“Please, Carter.” She cries as her ass lifts off the seat.

I growl as I move her clothes out of the way so that I can get to her n*****s. My mouth closes over one while I use

my fingers to play with the other.

Scarlett gasps under me like it’s the first time she’s ever experienced this.

Did it mean I hadn’t even sucked on her n*****s that full moon night?

I move from her breasts back to her neck. I’ve never been so fascinated by another woman’s body like this. I

wanted to study every inch of her, and I knew I would never get bored.

“Carter.” She cries out as I spread her legs wide. I wanted to settle between her legs. I wanted so f*****g more than


I’ve f****d multiple girls in the past. I’ve usually skipped these stages. I couldn’t do that with Scarlett. I wanted to

pleasure her in all the ways possible.

The door flew open suddenly, and everything was dead silent. Scarlett and I drift apart at the interruption. I slowly

looked back to see who our uninvited guest was. I wince as I see Alaric looking at us with a look of horror on his


For a few seconds, neither of us said anything to each other. I look back down at Scarlett, and I can see the worry in

her eyes. Even in this state, she knew we’d gotten caught doing something that we shouldn’t be doing.

“Carter,” he growls. “Can I interrupt you for a quick second?”

My body was hiding Scarlett’s breasts from him. The thought of him seeing them made me f*****g pissed.

“Turn the f**k around,” I growl.

He looks annoyed, but he does as I say so that I can fix Scarlett’s clothes.

She looked embarrassed, and I felt like kicking my brother in his face. Why did he have to show up now?


“Let’s forget this ever happened!” She whispers as she jumps out of my truck and walks away without turning back,

not even once.


I want to run after her. I want to finish what I started, but my f*****g brother is standing in my way.

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“You have the worst timing ever,” I growl.

“What do you think you’re doing?” He demands from me.

“Wasn’t it obvious what I was doing?” I ask.

“Don’t pretend to be a smart ass. Do you know who that was?” He shouts. “What the hell are you thinking, Carter?”

“I was thinking my brother is a f*****g d**k for interrupting me,” I growl.

His jaw clenches, and he takes a step back in disbelief. “That’s Clara’s younger sister. Her f*****g younger sister.

She’s clearly drunk and doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing. I know you had some drinks, too, but you know

exactly what you’re doing.”

I don’t say anything.

“Are you even considering Clara’s feelings?” He asks. “I know you never loved her and I know you can’t have a

f*****g mate, but I know you at least have a heart. Do you understand what will happen to her if she ever finds out

what the hell you were just up to?”

I grab him by his shirt. “This has nothing to do with Clara. Absolutely nothing.”

“You know that’s a f*****g lie.” He growls. “You know she deserves better than this. You ended things with her to

protect her. Do you think messing around with her younger sister would protect her in any way?”

I push him away from me. “I’m done with this conversation. I don’t have anything else to say to you, Alaric.”

“I thought you had more f*****g integrity than this.” He whispers in disappointment.

It stung. His words. They f*****g stung.