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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 285
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Chapter 285


“Can I ask you something?” I ask Alaric as I pass the ball to him.

He quirks a brow, “since when do you ask questions during a game?”

My jaw clenches, “I’ve just had something on my mind.”

I’ve had f*****g plenty on my mind, but I wasn’t about to tell him that. My brothers enjoyed teasing me

over the most minor things.

“Shoot.” He tells me.

“You know that lucky for us; we aren’t blessed with mates like other wolves. But what does it mean

when you kiss someone and feel an instant connection? And all you can think about is kissing her


Apollo spits the water he’d just been drinking out of his mouth after hearing my question. I knew to

them this was just a huge joke. They wouldn’t take me seriously.

I should have just kept my original plan to shut my mouth completely.

It’s just that since I kissed Scarlett, I couldn’t get that kiss out of my head. It’s the first time that

something like that happened to me.

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I’ve kissed hundreds of women in the past, so many that I lost count a long time ago, but none of those

kisses compared to that one kiss with her. It was strange to me and a bit alarming.

If we aren’t allowed to have mates, then what exactly was I feeling?

“Don’t tell me you’re falling for a girl,” Apollo chuckles. Of course, they would never think that I’ll fall for

a girl. My brothers often said I would die alone, and I honestly believed them.

I kept moving from girl to girl, and sometimes, it felt like I was doing it because I was searching for a

connection I knew I could never have.

We were always surrounded by werewolves who found their mates and knew what it was like to feel

complete. We didn’t have that satisfaction. The most I could have was someone easy to live with.

Sometimes, I tried to convince myself that we had it easier. We didn’t have the greatest weakness

known to a werewolf. Other times, like today, I hated it.

It felt like I was fighting a battle that couldn’t be won.

My parents are probably the only two of our entire family to be in love with each other. And still, their

connection wasn’t that of mates. The truth remained that my mother’s mate was still out somewhere,

and if he came into her life now, we have no idea what would happen next. We know that the mate

bond is hard to ignore. And even though she’s in love with our father and the family they created

together, I’m not sure she could ignore her mate if he ever shows up.

I don’t want to think about that. I would like to believe that my parents would stay together no matter

what life throws at them.

“Why do you ask that?” Alaric asks me, concerned. My older brother was always like this; he got

serious quickly whenever he sensed that any of his younger siblings were distressed. Of course, he

fussed over Violet the most; she was his little princess.

“If any of you attended the game today, you would know what I was speaking about.” I retort.

They’re usually there at every game; my entire family always came to support me. But today, they were

all busy, and I loved reminding them that they didn’t show up to support me.

“Ah, stop being such a pussy.” Ares says.

“I’ll remember that when you try out for the team later this year,” I say to him, and he quickly


“So tell us,” Alaric tells me. “What happened at the game that’s making you ask such a question?”

I could feel all eyes on me. I’d managed to spark each of their interest. Lucky me.

“I bet it’s from that tradition where he has to kiss a girl at the end of the game.” Apollo points out. “Did

one of those girls finally touch your heart, brother?”

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They all begin to laugh at his question; what they don’t realize is the fact that he is spot on. That’s

exactly what happened. I kissed a girl, my ex-girlfriend’s younger sister, and now I’m questioning every

f*****g thing in my life.

“Is that true?” Alaric asks, reading me like an open book. “Who’s she?”

I stretch my arms above my head and prepare for the reaction I’m about to get, “She’s Scarlett Mae.”

“Mae?” Alaric asks me. “As in Clara’s younger sister?”

I nod, and Apollo throws the ball at me. “f**k Carter. You go for them all, don’t you?”

“The camera stopped on her. It’s not like I’m the one that asked for it.” I answer him. Though, I would

be lying if I said I wasn’t happy that the camera had landed on her.

I hadn’t even expected to see Scarlett in that crowd. She never attended my games. I don’t know why

she was there but f**k, it made me so f*****g happy to see her there.

“It’s not like you would have said no either way.” Apollo teases.

He’s wrong. There’s a good f*****g chance I would have said no if I knew the kiss would have left me

feeling this way. One taste of Scarlett, one f*****g taste, and everything was already spinning out of


My interest in Scarlett has always bothered me but this is the first time I’ve ever gotten so close to her.

That kiss had f*****g wrecked me. Now what the hell am I supposed to do with all this tension locked in

my body? Who do I go to for release?