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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 258
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 258

Book 3 Chapter 93


After searching for hours, we realized that Winter was telling the truth.

We were wasting our f*****g time, and I didn’t have time to waste. I had to get to Willow before that

man hurt her and our baby.

“Are you ready to listen to me now?” She demands from us. “You can either do as I say or spend

weeks or months looking for Cassius.”

My jaw clenched. I didn’t know if my brothers would agree to something like this. It was putting their

mates in danger, which was the last thing they would ever want to willingly do.

I turn to them, “please.”

It’s the only word I could get out. What else could I do? I had no other choice but to plead with them to

let this happen.

“We are willing to do it,” Autumn says. “Make whatever plans that you must. If this is the only way to get

Willow back, so be it.”

I didn’t think I could love my brother’s mate more than I did now.

“It would be best if Winter and I meet our mother by ourselves,” Caroline suggests. “She isn’t even

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aware that we left home with Willow.”

“What do you mean?” I demand. “Why wouldn’t she know the truth?”

Winter narrows her eyes at me. “Willow was safe where we were. Cassius wouldn’t have dared to take

her. But when you announced your fights, Willow found out and became frantic. She had to see you,

and since we wanted to be good sisters to her, we let her come to you despite knowing the danger that

was lying ahead. We thought we would be safe as long as the three of us were together, but clearly, we

were wrong.”

I felt like she’d just punched me in the stomach.

I was at fault. All of this happened because of me and my selfish ways.

If I didn’t have to protect Willow, I would f*****g ruin my own life for my poor choices. The more I found

out, the more I hated myself.

I was a fool, a fool who wanted his woman back in his arms.

“No one moves while we’re gone,” Winter warns us.

“I don’t trust them,” Atticus growls the second that they walk away.

“We don’t have another choice.” I remind him. “They’re my only hope.”

It takes an hour before they finally return. They were both quiet, and it looked like we were about to get

bad news. I held my breath.

“We’ve made a deal with him,” Winter announces suddenly. “Our mother found a way to get into

contact with him quite quickly. Actually, he was the one that contacted her. He has a few requests that

he wants us to follow. We must meet exactly where he wants us to meet. There, we will pretend to

make the trade.”

“I can’t believe we’re going ahead with this plan.” Atticus growls. “I don’t want to put Autumn and

Clarissa in danger.”

“It’s okay.” Autumn tries to calm him down. “Willow is like a sister to us. We must do everything that we

can to get her back. Cassius can’t hurt us. He won’t. Not when he needs us alive to do what he wants.”

Atticus and Damon looked like a mess, mirroring what I felt inside. This didn’t just include Willow; it had

their mates as well. Cassius was the new villain in our story. He threatened the peace my family was

close to achieving.

We wouldn’t be able to rest until we’d gotten rid of him. It wouldn’t be easy for Autumn and Clarissa; he

was their biological brother.

It would be f*****g easy for me, however. Anyone that threatened the lives of my wife and my unborn

child would have to feel my wrath.

I couldn’t wait to get my hands on his neck and strangle him, amongst many other things.

“We’re messing with a dangerous sorcerer,” Hunter says as he walks into the meeting room with Austin

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and his family. “He can bring much harm to every single one of us if we don’t think this thing thoroughly


“Hunter is right,” Arthur says as he walks in with Gabriella. “We know enough about Azai Reign to know

what his son can do. Unlike Autumn and Clarissa, he doesn’t have anything to live for. He doesn’t have

a weakness except Willow and her sisters. We must keep the three of them safe if we want our families

to live to see another day.”

I close my eyes and try to fight the fear. My mate was in the hands of a f*****g maniac. The longer we

took to do this exchange, the more harm could be done to her.

“He can’t know that we’re not planning on giving Autumn and Clarissa to him,” Austin says. “He cannot

know that we have other plans. Everything must go smoothly if we want to get everyone back alive.”

“All we need is to get Willow back,” Caroline says. “Once we have Willow back, we will have all we

need to kill Cassius before he can kill the rest of us.”

That’s all I’m wishing for now that she’s gone. I want to have her back in my arms. I want to shower her

with so much love that she never has to compare herself to her sister again. I want her to know that

Anya is no longer haunting my thoughts. I want her to see that she’s the only one in my mind and heart

from now on.

No one else. Only her. She was the only woman for me. Without her, I can’t f*****g breathe.