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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 254
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Chapter 254

Book 3 Chapter 89


I wasn’t sure what the f**k was happening.

Who was that man?

Why was he taking Willow with him?

I was trying my f*****g best to get to her, but for some reason, everything in front of me was blurry. I

couldn’t even see the asshole’s face clearly.

“WILLOW!” I roar as I helplessly watch him carrying her unconscious body.

My eyes are wide with shock when they disappear right before my eyes.

Was I hallucinating again? Since Willow left me, I’ve been hallucinating a lot. Maybe this was another

one of those hallucinations. However, this one felt real.

“NOOO!” I roar. “WILLOW—,”

Two women rush over to me and grab my shoulders, “what happened? Where is Willow?”

I frown at them. I couldn’t recognize their faces.

“Who are you?” I demand.

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“That’s not important!” One of them hisses at me. “Tell us what happened to Willow. Why are you

shouting her name?”

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I could barely keep a clear mind, “someone took her. I couldn’t see his face. Everything is f*****g blurry.

I can’t even stand. I couldn’t get to her, and he took her. He f*****g took my wife.”

“Cassius.” One of the women gasps. “He came. He took her.”

“I told you we shouldn’t have come here, Caroline!” The other one shouts. “I told the both of you that

we had to leave here! Instead, she stayed back to help this asshole who never even loved her!”

She was pointing at me.

She’s wrong.

So f*****g wrong.

I do love Willow. I love Willow with my entire heart. I f*****g love her more than I loved Anya. I never got

the chance to tell her. I wanted to speak out to her at the right time when I wasn’t f*****g dizzy and

could hardly move.

“What do you mean she stayed back because of me?” I demand. “Is Willow’s life in danger? Who was

that man that took her?”

There were so many questions, and it didn’t help that my mind was already spinning.

“I’m sorry, Winter.” Caroline apologizes. “I knew how much Willow loved him. I knew that she wouldn’t

forgive us if we took her away before she got a chance to help him. We haven’t seen our sister since

she was a baby. I wanted to earn her trust. I wanted to have a good relationship with her.”

These two women were Willow’s sisters?

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“Willow only has one sister. That’s Anya.” I tell them. “Who the hell are you two?”

“I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but we are her real siblings. Anya was never her real sister; she was

lied to by Anya’s mother. She was kidnapped as a baby by Anya’s father. It’s a long story, and I don’t

have the time or patience to tell you.” Winter snaps.

It was clear that she didn’t like me. That was fine with me; I didn’t like myself either. I was angry with

myself for putting Willow through so much.

Even though her life was in danger, she still came for me today. She still came to protect me. Willow

loved me more than anyone else, and I felt the exact f*****g way about her.

I hate myself for taking this long to realize it. When she asked me if I would choose her over Anya if

she were still alive, I shouldn’t have hesitated; I should have told her immediately that I would happily

choose her over anyone else. I didn’t care who it was; I would always choose her. She was the only

woman for me. I wish I had realized this sooner. I wish I had learned how much I loved her at the right

time. Now, it felt like it was much too late.

“Are you telling me the truth?” I demand.

“Are you blind?” She asks me. “Can’t you tell the resemblance between us?”

“He’s still a bit dizzy because of Willow’s blood.” Caroline reminds her.

Dizzy because of her blood?

I was f*****g lost in this conversation.


It was Atticus.

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He was here.

He must have seen the match from his phone. Or maybe someone had called and told him I’d gotten

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my a*s beaten to the point that I lost consciousness.

When Willow hadn’t shown up at first, I’d totally given up. I wanted to die inside that ring tonight. I

thought she was gone for good. I’m glad that I didn’t. I got to see her again. But now she was gone

again, and her life looked like it was in danger.

“DANTEE!” I hear Clarissa’s terrified scream.

Did they all come?

I felt Clarissa’s arms around me. “Why the hell did you let them do this to you?” She demands from me.

“Are you insane? Why are you trying to get yourself killed?”

“Someone took Willow,” I say without answering her question. “He took Willow against her will, right

there before me. And I couldn’t f*****g do a single thing about it!”

“Someone took Willow?” Autumn gasps. “She came to see you? Is he the reason that she’s been


“Who would do such a thing?” Clarissa demands. “Why would anyone want to hurt her?”

“Your brother.” Winter hissed. “Your brother is the one that took our sister.”

Suddenly, everything was clear again. I could see everyone in front of me. I could even move my feet

and stand. Atticus rushes to help me up, and I let him.

Winter was right; she did resemble Willow. She was telling the truth. It meant that she was most likely

telling the truth about this as well.

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“My brother?” Autumn asks in surprise. “How do you know my brother?”

“That isn’t important.” Winter snaps. “All you need to know is that your brother has our sister, and he

will kill her if we don’t stop him in time!”

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