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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 245
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Chapter 245

Book 3 Chapter 80


“Is there any chance that I can leave here?” I asked the woman that was supposed to be my birth

mother. “Do I have a choice in this matter?”

Her face gets serious at my question, even worse than before.

“You are not to leave this place without my permission.” She orders me. “Your sisters’ lives were in

danger the second you went missing. Cassius is getting stronger each day that goes by. The faith of

the world lies in you and your sisters. Do not play with your life Willow.”

I don’t say anything in return.

“I heard that the woman who hid you from us has died.” She tells me. “While her death brought me

great joy, I know it must not have been easy for you. How have you been taking the death of that

devious woman and her daughter?”

I swallowed, and while they weren’t the best people, I still loved them. It wasn’t easy hearing my birth

mother speak about their deaths like it was nothing. However, I had to remind myself that she couldn’t

show emotions.

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“It wasn’t easy, but Dante and his family were there for me the entire time. Because of them, I was able

to recover from the pain.” I answer her.

She nods, “It’s quite unfortunate that you’re going to have to fight all of them in the near future.”

My eyes widen, “all of them?”

She quirks a brow at me and walks over to her chair. “Did you think they would just sit back and let you

hurt Autumn and Clarissa? That entire family cares about those girls. You’ll have to kill all of them to

get to those two. I’m sorry you had to get close to them. If that horrible man hadn’t taken you from us,

you wouldn’t have even met the Fawns until it was the right time.”

She leans back against her chair and sighs, “Because of him, I have to start all over from the

beginning. You know nothing of your power. I have to teach you everything that your sisters already

know. You’re the weakest one among you three. You’re very emotional, and you’re physically weak. We

don’t have much time, but training must start from today. Some training is still better than none.”

I narrow my eyes, “like I told Dana, I won’t hurt Autumn and Clarissa. They are like family to me.”

She slams her hands down on her desk, “And we are your blood. I made you. I gave birth to you. Do

you think it was easy to learn about my children’s future? It was tough, but I had to come to terms with

it eventually. This is our life now. You need to understand the gravity of the situation. This isn’t just

about you, Willow; this concerns all of us. Autumn and Clarissa are the daughters of a sorcerer that

wanted to kill us all. They must be stopped before Cassius gets to them.”

“Why can’t we just kill Cassius?” I demand. “He seems like the main threat. He’s the evil one. Clarissa

and Autumn are nice people. They wouldn’t hurt anyone. Not intentionally.”

She sighs, “I can’t have this conversation with you now. I have plenty of work to get to. We can

continue this later.”


“Leave now, Willow.” She dismisses me.

I angrily stormed out of her office. Caroline was already waiting for me at the door.

“It doesn’t look like that conversation went well between you and our mother.” She notes.

“How is she even a mother?” I demand. “She doesn’t care about me. She hasn’t seen me in years, and

she already acts like I’m a disappointment.”

She lightly pats my shoulder, “I promise you that she cares. She has a lot on her shoulders and tries to

act emotionless. We’ve been around her long enough to know that she actually does care about us.

She just doesn’t know how to show it.”

“I can’t kill Autumn and Clarissa. I can’t hurt two people that I love.” I try to tell her. Maybe she could

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help me; she showed much more emotion than everyone else.

“I’m sorry, Willow.” She apologizes to me. “You don’t know what they are capable of. Cassius has the

power to control them if he gets to them. All he needs is their trust, and it will be over for the rest of us.”

“Then why can’t we warn them instead of trying to hurt them?” I demand.

She’s about to respond when everything begins to spin.


That’s the last thing I hear before everything goes blank.

The next time I wake up, I’m surrounded by my sisters and someone that looks like a doctor.

“She’s awake!” Caroline shouts with excitement.

“Is my power causing this?” I ask them. “That’s what Dana and Daisy told me in the car. I’ve been

fainting a lot more than usual after my mother’s death. I thought I was sick. Now, I know that I’m not.”

The doctor looks concerned as she places her pen on the table beside me. She removes her glasses,

and it looks like she’s about to tell me some bad news.

“This fainting had nothing to do with your power surfacing.” She explains. “There’s a completely

different reason for it.

“What do you mean?”

Does it mean that I was truly sick? Did I not have long to live?

She takes a deep breath before she speaks again.

“I’m afraid that you’re pregnant, Willow.”