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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 243
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Chapter 243

Book 3 Chapter 78


“Get me out of this vehicle!” I shout. “Now!”

These people were insane. According to them, my job was to kill Autumn and Clarissa along with their

brother. I didn’t even know they had a brother. I would never harm anyone related to Dante’s family. I

was not my sister. I would not hurt them.

“We know you’ve gotten close to them, but trust us when we say they wouldn’t always be how you

remember them.” Dante tries to explain to me.

“I don’t care what you say. Autumn and Clarissa are two of the nicest girls I’ve ever met. There isn’t a

drop of evil inside of them. If you think that there’s even the slightest chance that I would harm them,

you are dreaming!” I shout.

“If we let you out of this vehicle, Cassius will kill you!” Dana shouts. “We are the ones sacrificing our

lives to protect you. If the world didn’t depend on you, we would have easily done what you’re asking

for. Unfortunately, all of our lives depend on you.”

I didn’t know how to respond to that. I angrily fold my arms and stare out of the window. They seemed

convinced I was this chosen girl destined to save the world.

My life kept spiraling out of control. First, it was losing Anya, falling in love with Dante, and now this. I

couldn’t catch a break.

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“We’re already here,” Daisy says to me gently. She seemed to be the kinder one. “You’ll be safe here.

Cassius wouldn’t risk coming here when he knows all three of you are together. He will only attack

when you’re alone.”

I slowly got out of the vehicle. I was surprised to see a small cottage. I wasn’t sure what I was

expecting. It wasn’t this.

“It’s an illusion,” Daisy informs me. “When you walk inside, you’ll see what I mean.”

I follow them into the house, surprised to see everything empty.

“Keep walking.” They tell me. “We have to go underground.”

I entered an elevator and then we stepped out

I walk through another door and then another. When I stepped through the last one, I was met with a

massive structure. It didn’t look like a house; it looked like a training institution.

There were women and men with arrows aimed at targets. Some of them had weapons I’d never seen

in my life before.

Were they all preparing to fight against Cassius?

“Everyone has one mission and one mission only. To kill Cassius and his sisters.” Dana says as if

reading my mind. “If you hadn’t been separated from your family, you would have the same goals as

everyone else. Once you’re reunited with them, it’s expected that you comply.”

Did these people seriously think that I would kill two of the closest people to me? I loved Autumn and

Clarissa like my own sisters. I would never harm them, even if their brother had evil intentions. If any of

this was true, then there must be another way to get rid of Cassius. We shouldn’t have to kill them all.

Shouldn’t we be able to kill him only? Shouldn’t that be enough?

We walked into an all-white room. Everything was white, including the furniture, and the curtains. Even

the woman standing near the window had white clothes on and even the hair on her head was white.

“She’s here, Madam.”

The woman slowly turns to look at me. She doesn’t run to hug me like a mother would who hadn’t seen

her missing daughter in years. Instead, she stands there and studies me. She’s taking me in slowly.

Was she trying to confirm if I was indeed her daughter?

“I told them they had the wrong person,” I tell her. “I told them I’m not your daughter. I don’t have any

power. I’m not who you’re looking for.”

She looks at Dana and Daisy. Then she bursts into laughter.

Did I say something hilarious?

“I guess you are my daughter.” She says as she continues to laugh. “Your sisters are the same. Always

disagreeing with Dana and Daisy.”

“Why am I here?” I demand. “You don’t look like someone who hasn’t seen her daughter in years. I

expected a different reaction.”

Her eyes soften, “affection isn’t something I show to my children. It will make them weak. I need all

three of my girls to be physically and mentally strong.”

No affection? None at all?

“Still, it’s been years, and I was supposedly kidnapped.” I remind her. “For all you know, I could have

been dead.”

She nods, “will a handshake make you feel better?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I exhale in frustration. This was not what I expected.

“Is she in here?” I hear a feminine voice ask as the door opens once more.

I turn toward the sound, and I’m surprised to see two beautiful women walking toward me. I

immediately know who they are without having to ask.

They weren’t lying. I shared a striking resemblance to both of them. It was all the proof I needed.

These people were my real family.

This was my home?


Before she can approach me, her mother stops her. Should I also call her my mother? She was my

birth mother after all but I didn’t feel the connection.

“We don’t show emotions, Caroline.” She reminds her. “No hugging. Just greet her.”

“I’m sorry, mother.” Caroline apologizes. “It won’t happen again.”

She turns to me and gives me a tiny smile. “It’s nice to meet you finally, Willow. We’ve been waiting a

long time to be reunited with you, my sister.”

“Your turn, Winter. Introduce yourself to your sister.” Mother says.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Willow. I hope you’ve been well.” She greets me.


My life kept moving from bad to worse.

How on earth did I get out of this situation?