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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 240
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Chapter 240

Book 3 Chapter 75


I had this uneasy feeling in my chest. I am terrified that Willow heard what I’d said to Atticus. It has

been on my mind ever since I left home. I kept repeating my words in my head and thinking how she

would interpret them.

She claimed that she was in the room the entire time, but I could tell that something was bothering her.

I’d gotten the book she wanted me to find, but that’s not all I brought back. I had balloons and roses

and teddy bears—everything you could give a woman after what she’d given to me last night. But

nothing could ever compare to what she offered me last night.

It was a night I would never forget. Willow brought me the kind of pleasure I didn’t think possible. I

didn’t care that she’d completely drained me last night. I was happy to be of service to her. Despite the

guilt in my heart, I would do it again.

If she’d heard me, I had to find a way to apologize. She was never supposed to hear that conversation

with Atticus. It was supposed to be between the two of us. I was having a mental breakdown, and I said

some things that I shouldn’t have.

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I would go down on my knees and beg for her forgiveness if I had to. A part of me was still hoping that

she hadn’t heard anything. A part of me was praying that she was telling the truth.

“Wow!” Griffin says when he sees me walking into the house with my hands full. “Is all of that for me?”

“Get out of my way Griffin,” I growl.

My words offended him, “Who screwed with you this morning?”

“No one screwed with him.” Clarissa laughs. “He’s just excited to get back to his wife. I have no clue

what the two of them were up to last night but judging by the love bites on Willow this morning; I’m sure

it’s something special mixed with some spice.”

I freeze in my spot. Did she see Willow this morning?

I dropped everything onto the ground and turned to look at her. “You saw Willow this morning?”

Autumn walks in just then, “what’s going on?”

I swallow as I try to collect my thoughts. My head felt like it was about to explode.

“I left Willow in my bed this morning. She was asleep. Then I went to have a conversation with Atticus.”

I tried to explain, but the words weren’t coming out fast enough. “Did she leave the room while I was

speaking to him?”

Autumn looked at Clarissa; they both didn’t understand why I was behaving this way.

“She did,” Autumn answers me. “We saw her earlier, and she looked excited to find you. She asked us

where you were, and we told her you were conversing with Atticus. Is something wrong?”

“f**k!” I shout.

I don’t wait to answer any of their questions. I had to tell Willow I was so deeply sorry.

I was racing up the stairs; I didn’t stop running until I’d barged into the room. My heart drops when I

don’t see her lying on the bed where I left her earlier.

“Willow?” I call. I walk over to the bathroom and knock on the door. There was no response. I leaned

against it; there was no sound coming from inside.

“Willow?” I try one more time.

“What the hell is going on, Dante?” Damon asks me as he barges into the room with everyone else.

I ignored him as I knocked on the bathroom door one last time.

“Dante!” Clarissa shouts my name. “What the hell is going on?”

I can’t pay attention to anyone else but Willow right now. I pushed the door open, and I felt even worse

when the bathroom was empty. There was no sign of her in the room.

“Where is Willow?” I demand.

They all look at each other in confusion.

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“Wasn’t she supposed to be in here?” Autumn asks me. “None of us has seen her since she asked us

where to find you. Didn’t she come to meet you this morning while you were speaking with Atticus?”

My brother walks in just then and senses the tension in the room.

“What did I miss?”

“Dante is acting weird, Atticus,” Autumn explains to him. “Did Willow not come to the room earlier while

you two were conversing? Did she not meet Dante?”

His eyes widen at her question. He immediately looks at me. He was there; he knew someone had

heard us. We were both worried that it was Willow. This was the confirmation we needed.

“She heard us?” He asks in disbelief. “She heard everything you said?”

I ignore him as I barge out of the room, shouting her name.

I wouldn’t stop until I searched every corner of the house. She had to be around here somewhere. She

wouldn’t just disappear like that. And she wouldn’t leave without telling me first.

Everyone joined me in searching for her. When it was evident that she wasn’t in the house, I went out

to meet the guards. If she left, they would have seen her.

“Did my wife leave?” I demand from the first one I see.

He nods, “She left almost two hours ago Mr. Fawn. Right after you left.”

My blood runs cold at his words.

She left?