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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 239
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Chapter 239

Book 3 Chapter 74


I’d safely made it out of the house without anyone seeing me. I didn’t leave a note, but if I ever saw

them in the future, I would give them a proper apology for leaving without an explanation.

I didn’t just love Dante; I loved his entire family. They accepted me despite everything my sister tried to

do. She’d done unimaginable things and they still treated me like their own. This is the last thing I

wanted to do to Dante and his family but I had to do this. It may be hard at first but maybe we could

both be happier after this.

I took a deep breath and wiped my tears from my face. I could barely see through them. Everything

was blurry, and my mind felt foggy.

I don’t know how long I walked, but I eventually saw a woman driving slowly next to me. Thankfully she

stopped and dropped me close to the place I once called home. It was my very first home. We’d moved

around a few times, but this was where I had all my childhood memories.

My mother never explained why we had to move so much, but now I had an idea. She moved because

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she wanted to be closer to Dante and his family. Her entire life revolved around them.

This pain, it must be my punishment for the things they’d done. It had to be. I was paying for their


I didn’t think it was possible to ever recover from this heartache.

Before I could walk into the house, I felt a shiver down my spine. I looked around me but couldn’t see

anyone. Suddenly, I was reminded that there was a possibility that someone could be after me. I wasn’t

thinking about my safety when I left Dante. I was only thinking about his happiness. I knew he would be

happier without me there.

I would no longer be a burden to him.

My eyes widen when a car pulls to my side, and two women step out. They were dressed in all black

and had shades over their eyes.

“Get in the car!” One of them orders me. “Now!”

“Who are you?” I demand as I take a step back.

“We will explain everything in the car, but you must trust us. If you don’t, your life will be in danger.”

I don’t know why I believed their words but I felt like I could trust them. I quickly got in after them, and

within seconds they were driving away.

“How much time do we have, Daisy?” The girl with blue hair asks.

“Enough,” Daisy answers her.

“I’m Dana.” She introduces herself. “And this is my sister Daisy. We work for your mother.”

My eyes widen at her words.

My mother?

“You work for mom?” I ask. “But I’ve never seen either of you in my life. If you work with her, I should

have met you at least once.”

I knew my mother was involved in some crazy stuff, but I didn’t think she had women like this working

for her. They looked skilled and like they knew how to fight.

They look at each other for a few seconds. “Should we tell her?” Dana asks her sister.

“Tell me what?” I demand. “Why is my life in danger? I’ve harmed no one. Why would anyone want to

hurt me?”

Did this mean someone was really after me the night Dante lost his Jeep?

Was someone trying to hurt me that night?

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“The woman you thought was your mother all these years is not your birth mother, Willow,” Daisy says


I could hear ringing in my ears at her words.

What on earth was she saying? How was she not my birth mother? She had to be. There were no

signs that she wasn’t my real mother. Why were they telling me this now? What did they want?

“Is this some kind of joke?” I demand. “Did Dante send you two to find me?”

That would make more sense than what they were trying to tell me. He must have read my diary and

sent these women to bring me back. His family was wealthy and powerful; he could easily send people

for me.

I wasn’t going back. Not after what I’d heard him say.

“Dante?” Dana asks. “The man you married?”

I nod. “You don’t have to pretend in front of me. I know he sent you. You can drop me here; I’m not

returning to him.”

“Willow,” Daisy tells me calmly. “We are not here because of Dante. He did not send us. We’ve been

following you for a while now. We wouldn’t reveal ourselves until we were sure you needed us. And

today, you need us. Cassius is after you. If he finds you, you’ll be dead.”

I’ll be what?

Who the hell was Cassius, and why did he want to kill me?