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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 237
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Chapter 237

Book 3 Chapter 72


I woke up in Dante’s room, but there was no sign of him anywhere. I felt sore between my legs but was

totally satisfied. I can’t remember ever feeling this happy. In fact, it’s the happiest I’ve ever felt in my

entire life.

I was only worried that I had pushed Dante too far. I knew he wasn’t ready to sleep with me, but I

couldn’t help myself. When I went into heat, all I could think about was him being inside me. I’d never

felt anything that intense before, and it was impossible for me to ignore it.

Thankfully, Dante gave in and did what I needed the most.

I walk over to the mirror and am not surprised when I see his markings all over my body. Dante had

bitten and sucked on every part of my body last night. I blushed at the reminder of how passionate he’d

acted. He behaved like a man who’d lost all control for his woman.

I shivered at the reminder of having him inside me multiple times last night. It was a mixture of pain and

pleasure. It was painful when Dante wasn’t inside me but the moment that he was everything felt

amazing and perfect.

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I didn’t think that there was anything that could possibly make me happier than I felt right now.

I was walking on cloud nine when I exited the room after getting dressed. I wore his marks proudly, and

I knew that everyone would know what we did last night. However, I didn’t care, not even the least.

There was just one problem. Why did he leave? Why didn’t he wait for me to wake up? Was he having

second thoughts about everything?

That was the only fear that I had at this moment. Dante wasn’t exactly ready for it at first; it was only

because of my pain that he gave into it finally.

I try to push those negative thoughts out of my head as I walk into the kitchen in search of him.

“Someone looks like she’s been busy last night.” Autumn teases me as she winks at Clarissa.

They gave each other knowing looks, and I tried hard not to blush.

“Do you know where Dante is?” I ask them. “He wasn’t in the room.”

Autumn nods, “he’s talking with Atticus about something in the family room.”

“Thank you!”

I didn’t wait for them to tease me anymore as I ran toward the room. I had to see him. After last night, I

wanted to be close to his side, not apart.

. . . . . . .


I didn’t know what I was feeling inside. My emotions were in a f*****g mess. I’d slept with Willow. I’d

f*****g slept with Willow.

I’d done the one thing I promised myself not to do. I’d been staring at Anya’s picture all morning, and I

couldn’t help but feel guilty. I promised Willow that I wouldn’t think of anyone else but her last night, and

I did just that.

Now that it was the next day, I couldn’t help but think of Anya.

Why did I care about her so much that she affected my life even when she was gone?

I didn’t regret sleeping with Willow, but I still felt guilty. I still felt like I’d done something wrong.

I was a damn mess and needed someone to talk to before I did something stupid like make Willow feel

horrible about last night.

She’d looked so peaceful sleeping in my bed earlier. I didn’t want to leave, but I couldn’t get these

f*****g thoughts and feelings of guilt out of my head.

Why couldn’t memories of Anya leave me alone?

“You look like you’ve had a rough morning,” Atticus tells me as he takes in my appearance.

I didn’t even want to look at my face in a mirror.

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“It’s possibly the worst morning of my life,” I admit. “I don’t know what happened last night. First, Willow

went into heat—”

“Wow.” Atticus stops me. “That would explain why the two of you never showed up at the party. We

were worried when you weren’t answering your phones, but when we returned home, your truck was

parked outside.”

I nod, “I don’t know where to start. So many things happened that my mind feels like it’s a mess.”

“Take it easy.” He tries to calm me down. It wasn’t helping. I don’t understand what’s happening to me.

I didn’t want to hurt Willow, and last night was f*****g amazing. Being with her made me feel all kinds of

good. However, this guilt was eating me up inside. I had to get it out. I had to find a way to get it out of

my head.

“I f*****g messed up, Atticus,” I shout, unable to stop myself. The words just kept flowing. “I slept with

Willow. I slept with her while I was still in love with her sister. I promised myself not to do that to her. I

tried my best to be the man she deserved, but I caved, and this is the worst thing I could have possibly


Atticus is about to respond when we hear a loud crash outside.

I look at him, and he looks back at me with wide eyes.

Panic runs through my body at the thought of anyone hearing me.

Please tell me it wasn’t Willow. Please.