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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 236
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Chapter 236

Book 3 Chapter 71


The thought of another man taking care of Willow in this state made me lose all control.

“I was yours since the second I saw you, Dante!” she shouts. “So, can you please just do this for me?”

She didn’t have to beg me. I wanted to. If she could read my mind, she would realize how badly I

needed her. I needed to be inside her more than she needed me. I felt like I would f*****g die if I didn’t

bury my d**k inside Willow right this instance.

“I beg you not to hate me after this, Willow,” I growl before shoving her hard against the truck.

“I could never hate you, Dante,” she whispers.

I don’t wait for her to say anything else as I rip her dress and cover her n****e with my mouth. Her a*s

flew off the truck, but I held it in place as my d**k continued begging to be inside her. The damn thing

was just as hungry for her as I was.

“Please don’t think of anyone else tonight.” She cries out as I push a finger into her p***y.

I knew what she meant. I knew she asked that I didn’t think of Anya when I f****d her tonight. I hate that

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there was ever a doubt in her mind. I hate that I did this to her.

I grabbed her hand and placed it on my d**k, “Do you feel that? I’m this way because of you, only

because of you, Willow. I can assure you that I wasn’t thinking of anyone else, and I still am not. You

are the only person on my mind right now, and it will stay that way for the rest of the night.”

Willow moaned at my words, and I hissed when she started pumping my d**k in her hand.

“How the f**k do you know to do that?” I growl. The thought of her doing that for another man made me

f*****g pissed.

“I’ve been doing some research.” She blushes. “I wanted to give you as much pleasure as you give


Her words take me aback. Anya never once considered my needs any time in our relationship. Yet

Willow kept looking for ways to please me.

I was in love with the wrong sister all along. I should have met Willow a f*****g long time ago. Things

would have been so different for both of us.

I push her hand away, “If you keep that up, I will explode in your hand, Willow. There’s somewhere else

that needs it desperately, and I’m going to f*****g give it exactly what it needs multiple times for the


She gasps when I position my d**k right above her opening. “Are you sure this is what you want?” I

asked her gently, even though I didn’t think I could stop anymore.

She nods, “I’ve never been more sure of anything else in my life Dante.”

My eyes narrow, and I don’t wait for her to change her mind. I thrust forward as hard as I could, trying

my best not to hurt her. Her eyes widen, and I swallow her cries with a kiss.

I slowly pull out and push right back in. Each time I did, I got deeper inside of her. “Tell me, does it


She nods, “It does, but not because of you. I need you to release inside of me. I need to feel it

everywhere inside me, Dante; I need it buried inside me.”

Her words push me over the edge, and I’m pounding in and out of her suddenly, like a f*****g madman.

I can’t stop. I let her scream, shout my name, and it’s like f*****g music in my ear as I continued to

pound in and out of my wife, the only woman who’s ever loved me like this.

The only woman that deserves all of me.

I roar as the pleasure takes over; I don’t stop until my seed is buried deep inside her. Willow screams

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my name and buries her teeth in my neck. I let her bite and scratch me as much as she wanted. This

was all about her and what she needed tonight. I would f*****g give my soul for her right now if she

needed it.

I slowly pulled out of her and caught her body before it could hit the ground.

Her eyes are filled with so much love for me that I almost lose all my s**t just staring at her.

So this was what it felt like to have a woman that loved you and only you.

She’s about to say something when she gasps and reaches for me a second time. I meet her halfway

and don’t waste another second as I thrust my d**k into her. She screams my name and f**k me, I

loved hearing it.

“Say my name and only my name for the rest of your life,” I growl as I f****d her over and over again.

I didn’t care how many times I had to be with Willow tonight; I didn’t care about anything but taking her

pain away. I wouldn’t think about anything else until I knew she was safe from all pain.

I’d never felt anything like this in my life before. Being inside of Willow was the most pleasure I’d ever

experienced in my life.

After tonight, I knew I would be drugged. I knew I would need this every second of every day to f*****g

breathe again.