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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 235
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Chapter 235

Book 3 Chapter 70


“I’m taking you home,” I inform her.

She grabs my arms, stopping me from going anywhere. “No!” She gasps. “I can’t wait that long, Dante.

I need you now. I need you to help me.”

I can’t. I can’t help her.

That would mean doing the one thing I wasn’t ready for. I didn’t want to take something so special from

Willow when I wasn’t prepared to give myself fully to her.

“Willow,” I growl. “No. I can’t.”

She grabs my hair and stares straight into my eyes. “It hurts Dante. I need you to stop the pain.”

Her head hits the seat, and she screams. My heart doesn’t know how to handle her pain. What the hell

was happening to me?

“What’s happening to me?” She cries. “Why is it so painful?”

I had to do something, anything, to make the pain easier for her.

I took her into my arms and carried her into the truck’s backseat. I sat down and pulled her on top of


“Dante?” she cries. I swallow at the confusion in her eyes. She knew nothing about this. If she’d known,

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she would have had a completely different reaction.

“You’re going into heat.” I try to explain to her.

“What does that mean?” She gasps. I could feel her tears against my chest, making me growl. I didn’t

like her crying; I didn’t like seeing her in any kind of pain. I wanted to do anything possible to ease that

pain, but I wasn’t ready for this. Not in the least.

“It means that unless I bury my seed inside you, you’ll be in plenty of pain, Willow.”

I see the surprise in her eyes as my words finally registered in her brain.


She wasn’t understanding me. It seems that Willow’s mother didn’t teach her anything about

werewolves or witches. Maybe that’s why I’d never seen her do anything like her mother. She didn’t

know how to perform spells or bond with her wolf.

“It means I have to f**k you, Willow,” I growl. “I have to f**k you over and over again. Multiple times until

your body stops hurting and calling for me.”

Her eyes are wide with shock, “f-fuck me?”

I’d told her multiple times in the past that I wouldn’t do that to her. Not until I was sure that I was worthy

of being inside her. It wasn’t time. But I never expected this to happen to Willow. In all my years of

being with Anya, she’s never gone into heat. Willow was younger than her sister, but yet this was

already happening.

I didn’t know how to deny her what she clearly needed from me. I’d run from it long enough; now, there

was nowhere to escape.

She grabs my shirt and pulls me closer to her, “you have to, Dante. You have to. I can’t take this pain.

It’s too much for me. I’m in so much pain. Please, do this for me. Please.”

“Willow,” I whisper as I grab her face with both hands. “I can’t do this to you. I can’t. You deserve more

than this. You deserve so much more.”

She grinds her lower body against mine in a desperate attempt to convince me, “You’re wrong. I’m in

love with a man who loves my sister. I’m jealous of my dead sister, who has done nothing but love me.

I’m not a saint. I don’t deserve more, Dante. This is what I deserve.”

“Don’t make me do this to you, Willow,” I beg her. “Please.”

“I can’t stop it, Dante!” she cries, and my d**k stirs in response beneath her.

f**k. f**k. f**k.

My eyes almost pop out of my head when she reaches into my pants and pulls it out. It’s in her hands

now, and damn it; it’s the hottest thing I’d ever seen in my life.

Willow holding my f*****g d**k in her hands was unlike anything I’d ever had the pleasure of


A string of curses leaves my mouth when she tries to rub it against her p***y.

“Why the f**k aren’t you wearing anything underneath?” I demand. She was bare under there. Wearing

nothing under that dress.

She cries out as the tip touches her opening, and I wince at how good it feels.


“Fuck—ah. Stop.” I groan.

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She was going to make me lose my f*****g mind.

She grabs my hair and pulls my head backward, “I want it inside me. I need to feel you inside me,


My eyes widen when she bites my lip until I can taste blood. I’d never seen this side of Willow before.

If she kept this up, I would f*****g explode in seconds.

“You don’t know what you’re asking for,” I growl against her ear. “You’re going to regret this, Willow.

You’re going to hate me.”

“No.” She cries, “I will hate you if you don’t stop this pain tonight. I will hate you if you don’t give me

what I want when I need it the most. I will hate you if you can’t do your duty as my husband.”

My jaw clenches, and my hands on her waist tighten.

I angrily push her away from me and step out of the vehicle.

Her eyes are wide with shock. She doesn’t realize that I’m angry with myself, not her.

I should be able to do this for her. I f*****g wanted her more than I’ve ever wanted; another woman in

my life at this exact moment, even more than I’ve ever wanted Anya. Yet, I wasn’t easing her pain. I

was still pushing her away.

What the f**k was my problem?

“Fine!” She shouts as she spreads her legs for me to see. I almost lose all my s**t when she pushes a

finger inside her sweet p***y in front of me. “I’ll find someone else to ease my pain since my own

husband can’t do anything for me!”

My eyes narrow dangerously. A loud growl forces its way out of my throat.

I storm over to her and pull her out of the truck. Her legs are now wrapped around my waist as I pull

her hair back. “No man is allowed to f*****g touch you, Willow. You’re mine!” I roar.