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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 233
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Chapter 233

Book 3 Chapter 68


The desperation and fear in Dante’s eyes took me by surprise. I’ve never been more sure that I was in

love with him than I am now. Seeing that look in his eyes made my heart feel like someone was

squeezing it.

How did I say no to him when he looked at me like I was his only reason for staying alive? I could hear

my own heart pounding louder than ever to his confession. It was the last thing I ever expected to hear

Dante say to me.

I move closer and place my hand on his cheek, “okay.” I whisper. “I won’t give up on our marriage. I’ll

keep fighting for you. I’ll keep fighting until you no longer feel the pain of losing my sister. I’ll keep

fighting until you whisper my name in your sleep. I’ll keep fighting until I’m the only woman that you’ll

ever need in your life. I’ll keep fighting Dante but I need you to fight back as well. I can’t keep fighting

for this on my own. You need to help me from now on.”

I couldn’t believe I was the only reason that Dante wasn’t giving up on life. I couldn’t believe I was his

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motivation to keep fighting.

Hearing him admit that made everything feel so much better. My heart felt like it could finally beat

again. This was all I needed from him. Just some proof that I meant something to him. I didn’t want to

get it out of him in this way, but I was glad that he at least begged me to keep on fighting for him.

He picks the wallet up from the ground. He stares at Anya’s picture briefly before slowly removing it. I

place my hand over his, stopping him.

“Don’t,” I whisper. “You don’t have to do this today. Do it when you’re ready. I’m sorry for rushing you

into this, Dante. You lost someone important to you. No amount of time could help make the pain go

away. I know this because Anya was someone close to me as well. Despite everything she’s done to

you and your family, I still love her and would do anything to see her again.”

I gasped when Dante grabbed me and crushed me against his chest. He buries his face in my hair and

whispers, “Thank you, Willow. Thank you for not giving up on me.”

I couldn’t move or breathe. All I could do was hold onto him as tightly as I could. For the first time in our

marriage, it felt like Dante needed me as much as I needed him.

. . . . .

It’s been a week since that night in Dante’s room. Things have been better, but we haven’t touched

each other since. I’ve been giving him the time I knew he needed. I wasn’t trying to rush things

anymore. I wasn’t trying to force him into anything he didn’t want to do.

It’s been hard keeping my distance when all I wanted to do was kiss and get closer to him. But I

realized this was the right thing for both of us.

Dante needed this time for himself.

I should have realized sooner how hard all of this was for him. I should have known that the pain I felt

in my heart for my sister must be even worse for him. He never got closure from her death. She died

with so many secrets. He never got a proper explanation or apology from her for all the wrong she’d

done to him.

I was happy to know at least that he wanted me here.

“There’s this party tonight,” Autumn tells me as she walks into the kitchen. “I don’t know if Dante

mentioned it to you already, but we’re all going.”

I nod, “he did.”

I was surprised when he told me. He said that he wanted me to go with him, unlike the many other

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times when his family invited me to accompany them.

She smiles, “I’ve noticed that the both of you seem to be in better moods recently. Did something

happen that you’re not telling the rest of us?”

I returned her smile, “Not anything important, but I think we understand each other more than before.”

She hugs me, “I’m so happy to hear that. We were all worried that we messed things up. Dante was so

mad at us that we felt horrible. We’re not going to try anything crazy tonight. Trust us.”

I hug her back, “I know you didn’t have any bad intentions. I know that you and everyone else were

only trying to bring us closer, and even though Dante was mad at you, I’m sure he knows the truth as


She nods, “Do you have a dress for tonight, or do you want my help?”

“I think I need your help,” I confess.

She grins and pulls me towards her room.

I already had an outfit planned out, but I knew Autumn loved dressing me up; I didn’t want to take that

away from her.

After getting dressed, I’m pleased when I find Dante waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me. He didn’t

hide the desire in his eyes from me and it made my toes curl in my shoes.

I didn’t know how I could survive the night with him looking at me like that.

Would I be able to control myself?