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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 227
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 227

Book 3 Chapter 63


I couldn’t f*****g breathe. There’s no way that Willow wasn’t doing this intentionally. She was teasing

me; I could tell. But she had no f*****g clue who she was messing with.

“What?” She asks innocently as she finally lays down on the bed. “I told you that I’m feeling warm. Is

there something wrong with my outfit?”

That wasn’t a f*****g outfit. She barely had anything on.

“Put those sheets over your body,” I order her. “Cover yourself up from me.”

She frowns, “why would I hide my body from you when you’ve told me that you enjoy looking at me?”

Did she forget already? How could she not remember why it was essential to cover herself up around


“Willow,” I growl. “I don’t know what you’re thinking of doing, but I beg you to please stop.”

“Didn’t you tell me you couldn’t sleep when I wasn’t in bed?” She asks me. “Come join me. You look

tired. Since I’m here, you can get some sleep while I watch you.”

My entire body goes entirely still. “Watch me?”

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She nods and smiles so sweetly that I almost lost all of my s**t. “Watch you. I like watching you while

you sleep.”

Did she think I could f*****g sleep next to her when she looked like that?

“I can’t sleep with you looking like that, Willow,” I tell her.

She passed her hand down her body and f**k me; all I could do was helplessly watch like my life

depended on it. “What’s wrong with this? It’s beautiful, is it not?”

My jaw clenches. “I’m not staying in here with you tonight.”

Her eyes widen, “but I don’t feel well.” She says with panic in her voice. “What if something happens to

me again? Who will be here to look after me?”

Ah, f**k.

If I couldn’t leave her, I needed some time to myself to regain my strength. I rushed into the bathroom

and headed straight for the shower.

I had to think about anything but shoving my d**k inside Willow’s sweet p***y. And it was f*****g sweet.

Too sweet for a man like me.

I threw my pants onto the ground and tried to calm my f*****g d**k. It was begging to be inside of her. I

held the damn thing in my hand and tried to get some release. I knew it was useless after my third

attempt. This wasn’t going down anytime soon, not until it had gotten what it wanted, and that was the

woman in a f*****g lingerie lying on my bed and waiting for me to return.xo.com fast update


What the f**k?

I spun around to see Willow in front of me. Her eyes were wide as she stared at my d**k still in my


“MOTHERFUCKER—,” I growl as I spun around so that my back was facing her.

“What the hell are you doing inside here, Willow?” I demand.

“You were taking too long.” She explains. “I thought something had happened to you. I just wanted to

make sure that you were okay.”

“You could have just called my name.” I point out.

“I tried that.” She says. “I called your name twice, but I didn’t get a response from you.”

Why the f**k was she still just standing there?

“Willow, don’t you think it’s time that you leave the bathroom?” I ask her almost desperately.

“What were you doing just now?” She asks me innocently.

My jaw clenches, and I try not to pound my fist against the wall.

“Nothing,” I growl. “So please, just get out. I’ll be out of the shower in a minute—”

I stop talking when she gets in the shower with me.

My body turns to stone when I felt her hand on my back.

“Willow,” I growl. “What are you doing?”

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“Can’t I be in here with you?” She whispers. “Am I not allowed in here with you?”

My breath hitched at her question. She’s my f*****g wife. Of course, she’s allowed to be in here with

me. But f**k, I couldn’t have that happening.

“I’m begging you, Willow,” I whisper. “Please get out. Now.”

“Why?” She asks. “Why do you want me to leave?”

“You know why!” I shout. “I’ve told you already what happens to me. I told you what I feel like doing to

you. I told you that you deserve more than that. So please, listen to me and return to the room.”

“But this is what I want, Dante.” She whispers. “I want you to f**k me. I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it.

I want to be as close to you as I possibly can. So please, Dante, please f**k me.”

I could feel my f*****g d**k doubling in size at her words. I’ve never seen it grow this f*****g large in my

entire life. He wanted her just as much as I did.

I spun around so that I was facing her once more. Her eyes went straight to it, and I ignored how much

that turned me on. The water was dripping onto both of us and seeing her like this with barely anything

on made me want her even more than before. But I wouldn’t let this happen. I couldn’t.

I grab her arms and shove her against the wall hard. I pressed my body against her so that my d**k

was resting on her a*s. She moans at the contact and f**k me; I wasn’t expecting it. She was f*****g

killing me.

This is the closest to her it could ever be. I wouldn’t allow anything more than this. My lips are near her

ear when I hear her soft gasp. “I’m not going to f**k you, Willow. Ever.” I can’t resist biting her neck as I

growl. “Get the f**k out of here. Now.”