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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 226
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 226

Book 3 Chapter 62


“We spoke about you,” I answer him.

“About me?” he asks.

I look down at my hands, unable to look him in the face. It was always hard to look at him when I was

this nervous. I don’t think Dante understands just the kind of effect he has on me.

“What did he say about me?”

Even though I was no longer looking into his eyes, I could still feel them on me. It didn’t make this

easier for me.

“I was waiting for you,” I admit. “I was hoping that you would come for me. The entire time, I kept

looking out for you. Eventually, Ares noticed that I was looking for someone and he correctly assumed

it was you.”

I couldn’t believe I was telling him all of this. “For some reason, he was convinced that you would be

there for me. I don’t know why but he was sure that you were coming.”

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“And you?” he asks. “Were you convinced that I would be there also?”

I can’t answer him, and he gently touches my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes.

“Tell me.” he urges me to go on. “Did you think I would come for you?”

I couldn’t lie, not after what happened earlier. “No,” I confess. “I didn’t think you would.”

Dante looks upset with my response. Did he want me to have more faith in him?

“Is that all he said to you?” he asks me with deep concern in his eyes.

Was he indeed that wary about Ares and his family? Ares didn’t seem dangerous to me, but Dante

somehow saw him as a threat.xo.com fast update

I looked down at my hands once more, and it was only then that I realized I was still in his shirt. Dante

sees it at the same time as I do also.

“Fuck.” he growls. “How did I not realize how f*****g wet that is still?”

It was still wet and sticking to my skin. I stayed completely still as he grabbed the bottom of the shirt

and pulled it off me.

“I let you sleep in this wet—” he stops talking when he sees my bare breasts in front of him.

He swallows hard. I think Dante had forgotten all I had on underneath was a panty.

He walks into the bathroom and comes back out with a towel. He doesn’t say a single word as he

wraps me in it.

I was a little disappointed. Part of me wanted him to do more than look at them. Earlier, he acted like he

was starving for me. Now, he looked like he had a bit more control. Was the moment already over

between us? Would he never try to touch me like that again?

He walks over to my closet and takes out some pajamas for me. I noticed that he chose the ones that

covered my entire body. It’s almost like he was trying to cover me up so he wouldn’t have to see any

part of me except my face.

That bothered me. Did he not like what I looked like? We’d gone through this already; he told me he

did. So that couldn’t be it.

“You can put this on.” He tells me as he gives me pants and a top.

I dropped the towel from around my body so that he could see my breasts again. I wanted to see his

reaction. I’m happy when his neck and face turn red. Does he realize that it was intentional?

I return the pajamas to him, “I don’t want to wear those.”

He quirks a brow, and I can tell the effect I’m having on him. I think it’s hard for him not to look at them.

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“What’s wrong with them?” he asks me.

I move from the bed and give him a good view of my a*s as I walk over to the closet and bend over. I

heard Dante’s breath hitch, and I inwardly smiled. He was looking at me.

I stayed that way longer than needed as I took a revealing lingerie from the drawer. I knew Clarissa or

Autumn must have been the one to pack it in here for me.

Dante’s eyes fall on it, “is that what you’re planning on wearing?” he asks. “For the entire night?”

I nod, “is there something wrong with it?”

“Willow—” he pauses as he searches for the right words. “Aren’t you cold? Shouldn’t you wear

something with a little more cloth in it?”

I walk over to him, and I almost smile when he looks down at my breasts. I was right; he couldn’t look

away from them even if he tried.

“I’m perfectly fine, Dante,” I assure him. “In fact, I feel a little warm, and that’s why I need to wear as

little as possible. Or maybe nothing at all.”

I could hear his loud breathing, and I loved having this kind of effect on him.

I slowly put the lingerie onto my body and walked over to the bed. I tried to be as seductive as possible

as I climbed onto it. I heard his sharp intake of breath.

“What the f**k are you doing, Willow?”